Archive of deleted records from EWR_ObjectRelations.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
ItemGUID1 | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | GUID of the first item. |
ItemGUID2 | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | GUID of the second item. |
ObjectTypeID1 | tinyint | ☐ | ObjectTypeID of the first item. |
ObjectTypeID2 | tinyint | ☐ | ObjectTypeID of the second item. |
RelationDataGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Each pair of relations has common information saved here. |
RelationType | varchar (30) | ☐ | Type of the relation, standard type relation is GENERAL. |
Direction | int | ☐ | For one-to-many relations. Standard relation has Direction = 0, one-to-many is saved with 1 and 2. |
DeletedDate | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())DateTime when the record was deleted. |
◆ArchiveID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYPrimary key of the table. |
RelationTypeID | smallint | ☒ | Relation type ID. |
WorkFlow actions
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the module where the action is applied - for actions that are not part of a workflow. |
Xml | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | XML definition of the action. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the action. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
FlowGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWF_Flows.ItemGUIDItem identificator of flow. |
StatusGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDUnique identifier of workflow status which triggers the action. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
List of additional fields for customized modules
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the module where the additional field will be used. |
FieldID | smallint | ☐ | IDENTITYField number - increased automatically. |
Name | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Name of the field. |
Type | tinyint | ☐ | 0: TextBox, 1: ComboBox, 2: NumericBox, 3: Relation, 4: CheckBox, 5: LinkTextBox, 6: DateEdit, 7: MemoBox, 8: MultiSelectComboBox. |
Comment | nvarchar (255) | ☒ | Tooltip of the field. |
Data | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Data specific for each type of the field. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Rank | int | ☒ | Position of item in the list. |
Category | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of item category in EnumValues. |
GeneralSection | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Indicates whether the field will be displayed in the General Additional Fields section. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | smallint | ☐ | COMPUTEDAlias for the FieldID column. |
Table with OAuth clients.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ID | int | ☐ | IDENTITYIdentifier of the record. |
Enabled | bit | ☐ | Specifies if client is enabled. |
ClientID | nvarchar (200) | ☐ | Unique ID of the client. |
ClientName | nvarchar (200) | ☐ | Client display name. |
ClientSecret | nvarchar (250) | ☒ | Client secret. |
Flow | int | ☐ | Specifies allowed flow for client (either AuthorizationCode = 0, Implicit = 1, Hybrid = 2, ClientCredentials = 3, ResourceOwner = 4, AuthorizationCodeWithProofKey = 6, HybridWithProofKey = 7). |
AccessTokenLifetime | int | ☐ | Lifetime of access token in seconds (defaults to 300 seconds / 5 minutes). |
AuthorizationCodeLifetime | int | ☐ | Lifetime of authorization code in seconds (defaults to 300 seconds / 5 minutes). |
AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime | int | ☐ | Maximum lifetime of a refresh token in seconds. Defaults to 2592000 seconds / 30 days. |
SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime | int | ☐ | Sliding lifetime of a refresh token in seconds. Defaults to 1296000 seconds / 15 days. |
RefreshTokenUsage | int | ☐ | ReUse = 0 (when refreshing the token, the lifetime of the refresh token will be renewed) or OneTime = 1 (the refresh token handle will be updated when refreshing tokens). |
RefreshTokenExpiration | int | ☐ | Sliding = 0 or Absolute = 1 (the refresh token will expire on a fixed point in time). |
AccessTokenType | int | ☐ | Jwt = 0 or Reference = 1. |
RedirectUri | nvarchar (2000) | ☐ | Redirect URI allowed for the client. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆SubjectID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
◆ClientID | nvarchar (200) | ☐ | |
Scopes | nvarchar (2000) | ☐ |
Table with authorization tokens.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆Key | nvarchar (128) | ☐ | Token key. |
◆TokenType | smallint | ☐ | 1: AuthorizationCode, 2: AccessToken, 3: RefreshToken. |
SubjectID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | User GUID. |
ClientID | nvarchar (200) | ☐ | Client ID. |
JsonCode | nvarchar (max) | ☐ | Token JSON. |
Expiry | datetimeoffset | ☐ | Date and time of expiration. |
CreationTime | datetimeoffset | ☒ | Creation time of the token. |
Table of binary saved documents and e-mails. Connect to EWD_Documents or EWD_Emails with common ItemGUID.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
Revision | int | ☐ | Revision of the document - zero based. |
Data | image | ☒ | Binary stored data of the file. |
Extension | nvarchar (10) | ☒ | Extension of the file. |
FileSize | bigint | ☒ | Size of the file. |
UploadedSize | bigint | ☒ | Uploaded size of the file. |
IsCompressed | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether file is compressed. |
CompressedSize | bigint | ☒ | Size of compressed record. |
◆ID | int | ☐ | IDENTITYIdentifier of record. |
StoredInFileSystem | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether record is stored in File System. |
Created | datetimeoffset | ☐ | Date when the record was created in the database. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
FileSystemStorageRelativePath | char (7) | ☒ | Relative path to where is file stored on file system. |
Bonuses for users
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Price | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Requested amount. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the record. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the record. |
PriceDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Price in default currency. |
PriceParentCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Price in currency of the parent object. |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of currency from EnumValues. |
PriceChanged | date | ☐ | Date when the price of bonus was changed last time. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the record of bonus is private. Default is no. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0)) |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0)) |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUID |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Location | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Location of the appointment. |
StartDate | smalldatetime | ☒ | Start date. |
EndDate | smalldatetime | ☒ | End date. |
AllDayEvent | bit | ☒ | Determines whether the appointment is all day event. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
BusyStatus | int | ☒ | Status of appointment item: Free, Tentative. Busy, OutOfOffice, WorkingElsewhere. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the appointment item is private. Default is no. |
Sensitivity | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Level of importance: High, Low, Normal. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
Title | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Title. |
Body | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Additional text info. |
IconIndex | int | ☒ | Icon index. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
Index | int | ☒ | Index. |
NameEN | nvarchar (50) | ☒ | Name identifier. |
DescriptionEN | nvarchar (255) | ☒ | Description identifier. |
PictureBase64 | text | ☒ | Associated picture encoded in base64. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
ID | int | ☒ | ID of record. |
EffectiveFrom | date | ☒ | Date from that the item is effective. |
ValidUntil | date | ☒ | Date until that the item is valid. |
Active | bit | ☒ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is active. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the record. |
PriceTotal | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price. |
Paid | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Paid amount. |
ForPayment | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Amount for payment. |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of currency from EnumValues. |
VAT | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | VAT amount. |
PriceTotalExcludingVAT | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price without VAT amount. |
GoodsInCartCount | int | ☒ | Number of goods in cart. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
PriceTotalDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price in default currency. |
PriceTotalParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price in currency of the parent object. |
ForPaymentDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Amount for payment in default currency. |
ForPaymentParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Amount for payment in currency of the parent object. |
PaidDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Paid amount in default currency. |
PaidParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Paid amount in currency of the parent object. |
PaidChanged | date | ☐ | Date of latest change of paid amount. |
PriceTotalChanged | date | ☐ | Date of latest change of total price. |
PriceTotalExcludingVATDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | PriceTotalExcludingVAT in default currency. |
PriceTotalExcludingVATParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | PriceTotalExcludingVAT in currency of the parent object. |
VATDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | VAT amount in default currency. |
VATParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | VAT amount in currency of the parent object. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the record. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the record. |
TaxableSupplyDate | date | ☒ | VAT tax date. |
Server_MoneyS3InvoiceNumber | nvarchar (64) | ☒ | Invoice number in MoneyS3. |
Server_MoneyS3InvoiceNumberUniqueHelper | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | COMPUTEDSubstitute unique identifier, when Server_MoneyS3GUID is null. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
AccountingCaseDate | date | ☒ | Date of accounting transaction. |
PaymentDate | date | ☒ | Day of payment. |
Server_PohodaDataSourceType | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Specifies Pohoda data source. 0 = FA, 1 = OBJ. |
PurchaseExpenses | decimal (18, 3) | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Purchase expenses. |
PurchaseExpensesDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Purchase expenses in default currency. |
PurchaseExpensesParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Purchase expenses in currency of the parent object. |
PurchaseExpensesChanged | date | ☐ | Date of last change of purchase expenses. |
Profit | decimal (18, 3) | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Total price excluding VAT lowered by purchase expenses. |
ProfitDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price excluding VAT lowered by purchase expenses in default currency. |
ProfitParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price excluding VAT lowered by purchase expenses in currency of the parent object. |
ProfitChanged | date | ☐ | Date of last change of profit. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_MoneyS3SourceIdentifier | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Companies list
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
Reversal | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Turnover. |
CompanyName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Name of the company. |
Department | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Department of the company. |
AccountNumber | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Account number. |
EmployeesCount | int | ☒ | Number of employees. |
VatNumber | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | VAT number. |
Address1Street | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Billing address street. |
Address1City | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Billing address city. |
Address1State | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Billings address state. |
Address1Country | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Billings address country. |
Address1PostalCode | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Billing address ZIP. |
Address2Street | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Physical address street. |
Address2City | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Physical address city. |
Address2State | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Physical address state. |
Address2Country | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Physical address country. |
Address2PostalCode | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Physical address ZIP. |
Address3Street | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Other address street. |
Address3City | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Other address city. |
Address3State | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Other address state. |
Address3Country | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Other address country. |
Address3PostalCode | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Other addresses ZIP. |
ImportanceEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDImportance of the company. |
FirstContactEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDFirst contact. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Purchaser | bit | ☒ | Indicates whether the company is our customer. |
Suppliers | bit | ☒ | Indicates whether the company is our vendor. |
IdentificationNumber | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Identification number. |
nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Email address. | |
Phone | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Business phone. |
ICQ | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | ICQ nickname. |
Fax | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Fax number. |
Skype | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Skype name. |
Address2POBox | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Physical address PO Box. |
Address1POBox | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Billing address PO Box. |
Address3POBox | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Other address PO Box. |
WebPage | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Homepage of the company. |
MSN | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | MSN contact. |
LineOfBusiness | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Industry of the company. |
MailingListEmail | bit | ☒ | Determines whether the company wants to be get marketing info by e-mail. |
MailingListOther | bit | ☒ | Determines whether the company wants to get marketing info in another way. |
MailingListOtherValue | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Determines how the company wants to get marketing info. |
Mobile | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Mobile phone number. |
SalePriceGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_SalePrices.ItemGUIDIdentifier of sale price. |
AdditionalDiscount | decimal (18, 4) | ☒ | DEFAULT ((0))Global discount in percents. |
ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYNumeric identifier of company. |
Server_MoneyS3GUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | Unique identifier of item from system MoneyS3. |
Server_MoneyS3GUIDUniqueHelper | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | COMPUTEDSubstitute unique identifier, when Server_MoneyS3GUID is null. |
Address1CountryEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the country in billing address. |
Address2CountryEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the country in physical address. |
Address3CountryEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the country in other address. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
Competitor | bit | ☒ | Determines whether the company is competitor. |
PhoneNormalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized business phone number. |
MobileNormalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized mobile number. |
LastActivity | date | ☒ | Date of the last activity. |
NextStep | date | ☒ | Date of the next step. |
EmailOptOut | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether the company wants be excluded from marketing lists. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDCompany type identificator. |
Server_MoneyS3SourceIdentifier | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the company. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the company. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | COMPUTEDAlias for the ID column. |
List of contacts
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
BusinessAddressCity | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | City of the business address. |
BusinessAddressCountry | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Country of the business address. |
BusinessAddressPostalCode | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | ZIP of the business address. |
BusinessAddressState | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | State of the business address. |
BusinessAddressStreet | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Street of the business address. |
Email1Address | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | First email address. |
LastName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Contact last name. |
FirstName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Contact first name. |
HomeAddressCity | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | City of the home address. |
HomeAddressCountry | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Country of the home address. |
HomeAddressPostalCode | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Postal code of the home address. |
HomeAddressState | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | State of the home address. |
HomeAddressStreet | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Street of the home address. |
MiddleName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Contact middle name. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
OtherAddressCity | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | City of the other address. |
OtherAddressCountry | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Country of the other address. |
OtherAddressPostalCode | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Postal code of the other address. |
OtherAddressState | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | State of the other address. |
OtherAddressStreet | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Street of the other address. |
Title | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Job title. |
WebPage | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Web page. |
FileAs | nvarchar (1280) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Email3Address | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Second email address. |
Email2Address | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Third email address. |
ImportanceEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDImportance. |
TelephoneNumber1 | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Business phone. |
TelephoneNumber2 | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Home phone. |
TelephoneNumber4 | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Other phone number. |
TelephoneNumber3 | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Mobile phone. |
OtherAddressPOBox | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | PO Box of the other address. |
Prefix | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Title. |
BusinessAddressPOBox | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | PO Box of the business address. |
Suffix | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Suffix. |
MSN | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | MSN contact. |
ICQ | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | ICQ nickanme. |
Skype | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Skype name. |
HomeAddressPOBox | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | PO Box of the home address. |
PrefixEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the prefix. |
SuffixEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the suffix. |
TelephoneNumber5 | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Second business phone. |
TelephoneNumber6 | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Business fax. |
Department | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Department. |
BusinessAddressCountryEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the country of the business address. |
HomeAddressCountryEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the country of the home address. |
OtherAddressCountryEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the country of the other address. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
TelephoneNumber1Normalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized business phone. |
TelephoneNumber2Normalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized home phone. |
TelephoneNumber3Normalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized other phone number. |
TelephoneNumber4Normalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized mobile phone. |
TelephoneNumber5Normalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized second business phone. |
TelephoneNumber6Normalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized business fax. |
DoNotSendNewsletter | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Do not send newsletter to the contact. |
ProfilePicture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Profile picture of the contact. |
ProfilePictureWidth | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Width of the profile picture. |
ProfilePictureHeight | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Height of the profile picture. |
LastActivity | date | ☒ | Date of a last activity. |
NextStep | date | ☒ | Date of the next step. |
Company | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Name of company. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the contact. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the contact. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the contact. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
List of suggested contacts.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
EmailAddress | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | The email address. |
FileAs | nvarchar (1280) | ☐ | The name to be displayed. |
SourceEmailId | nvarchar (4000) | ☐ | The source email unique identificator. |
RelatedEmailsCount | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Emails count related to email address. |
IsHidden | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating wheter should be record hidden to user. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITY |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
InputCurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the input currency. |
OutputCurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the output currency. |
Rate | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Rate from input currency to output currency. |
From | smalldatetime | ☒ | Rate is valid from this date. |
To | smalldatetime | ☒ | Rate is valid to this date. |
Valid | bit | ☐ | If the rate is valid today. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
List of saved documents, connected to EWD_BinaryData with common ItemGUID
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
FileAs | nvarchar (128) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
DocName | nvarchar (118) | ☒ | Name of the document without extension. |
Extension | nvarchar (9) | ☒ | Extension of the document without dot. |
CreationTime | datetime | ☒ | Time when the document has been created. |
LastWriteTime | datetime | ☒ | Time when the document has been changed. |
DocSize | bigint | ☐ | Size of the document in bytes. |
ImportanceEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDImportance. |
DocTypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the document. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the record. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the record. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
Preview | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Binary image preview of the document. |
PreviewWidth | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Image width of the preview. |
PreviewHeight | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Image height of the preview. |
GDPR | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether is record GDPR relevant. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
List of saved e-mails, connected to EWD_BinaryData with common ItemGUID
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Subject | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Subject. |
SenderEmailAddress | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Email address of the sender. |
SentOn | datetime | ☒ | Time when the email was sent. |
ReceivedTime | datetime | ☒ | Time when the email was received. |
AttachmentsCount | int | ☐ | Number of attachments. |
To | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Recipients addresses. |
Cc | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Addresses of users in carbon copy. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
ImportanceEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDImportance. |
Checksum | int | ☒ | Computed hash value. Not used anymore. |
MessageId | varchar (500) | ☒ | Message identifier. |
Hash | char (32) | ☒ | Specifies the hash code calculated from Subject, SenderEmailAddress, To and SentOn. |
ConversationIndex | varchar (896) | ☒ | String that indicates the relative position of the item within the conversation thread, comming from Outlook. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
EmailFileExtension | nvarchar (9) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('.msg')Required extension of the saved email file. It should be same as the extension in corresponding BinaryData record. |
SentMailGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT (newid())Unique identifier of the e-mail sent inside Exchange. |
GDPR | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether is record GDPR relevant. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
FileSize | bigint | ☐ | Size of the email in bytes. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the email. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the email. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the email. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Summary | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Human language written summary of the whole email message. Primarily filled by AI. |
SentimentTone | tinyint | ☒ | Rank-based enum value of the overall sentiment or tone of the email message. Matches values from the enum type 'SentimentTone'. Primarily filled by AI. |
Server_LlamaAiFillingState | bit | ☒ | Column indicating whether the AI fields filling has already been processed on this email. NULL - AI did not see this email, 0 - AI was processed, but was not able to read the email OR the email is from pre-AI era OR AI was disabled by license/GS, 1 - AI was processed and has filled something. |
Enumerators names, connected with ItemGUID to EWD_EnumValues.EnumType
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
EnumName | nvarchar (50) | ☐ | Name of the enumeration. |
System | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Indicates whether the record is a system record. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
AllowEditVisibility | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Allows users to edit visibility of the enumeration values. |
AllowEditLastActivity | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether a user is able to edit if an enum value is included in the last activity calculation. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
RequireDefaultValue | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether is enumeration default value required. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
List of values of specified enumerator - connected with EnumType to EWD_EnumTypes.ItemGUID
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Text description of the record. |
EnumType | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumTypes.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the enumeration. |
Rank | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Position of item in the list. |
en | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Translation to English. |
cs | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('N/A')Translation to Czech. |
IsSystem | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the record is a system record. |
Visible | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Allows item to be visible in the application. |
de | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('N/A')Translation to German. |
ru | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('N/A')Translation to Russian. |
sk | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('N/A')Translation to Slovak. |
no | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('N/A')Translation to Norwegian. |
IncludeInLastActivityCalculation | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether an enum value is included in last activity calculation. |
Default | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether is value default value for EnumerationType. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
IsCompletedState | bit | ☒ | Indicates whether the enum value represents a completed state. |
IsLostState | bit | ☒ | Indicates whether the enum value represents a lost state. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Id of the specific record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number, increased after each record change. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was created on the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was created on the server database. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the server database. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Feature name. |
Active | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value determines whether the feature is active. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Name | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Name of the global setting. |
Value | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Value of the global setting. |
Category | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of category. |
Visible | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Allows item to be visible in the administration interface. |
Type | tinyint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))0: String, 1: Bit, 2: Integer, 3: Float, 4: MultiString, 5: ComboBox, 6: CheckedComboBox, 7: GroupsCheckedComboBox, 8: LastActivityCheckedComboBox, 9: TimeInterval. |
AvailableValues | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | List of available values in format '{key1=value1}{key2=value2}'. Works only with ComboBox and CheckedComboBox. |
en | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | English translation. |
cs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Czech translation. |
de | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | German translation. |
ru | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Russian translation. |
sk | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Slovak translation. |
no | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Norwegian translation. |
MinValue | int | ☒ | Value indicating minimum value of numeric settings which will be required by validation process. |
MaxValue | int | ☒ | Value indicating maximum value of numeric settings which will be required by validation process. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
IsLegacy | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Settings marked as legacy will be removed in future. |
FeatureGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Features.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the related feature. |
Rank | int | ☒ | Position of item in the list. |
KbUrlShortCode | nchar (5) | ☒ | Short code for the KB help link. |
DependsOn | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_GlobalSettings.NameName of the GS that needs to be "active" to make this GS visible. |
DependsOnValue | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Value that needs to be in the dependand GS. |
UnlimitedValue | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Value indicating that the GS in unlimited. |
DisabledValue | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Value indicating that the GS is disabled. |
DependsOnValueInverted | bit | ☒ | When the value is 1 the GS will be "visible" when the value of dependand GS does not equal DependsOnValue value. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
GoalTypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of goal’s type item in EnumValues. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
StartDate | date | ☒ | Star date of the goal. |
EndDate | date | ☒ | End date of the goal. |
TurnoverGoal | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Revenue goal. |
TurnoverActual | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Actual revenue of the goal. |
TurnoverCompleted | decimal (18, 4) | ☒ | Percent completed from the revenue goal. |
ProfitGoal | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Profit goal. |
ProfitActual | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Actual profit of the goal. |
ProfitCompleted | decimal (18, 4) | ☒ | Percent completed from the profit goal. |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the goal currency. |
TurnoverGoalDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Revenue in default currency. |
ProfitGoalDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Profit in default currency. |
TurnoverGoalChanged | date | ☐ | Date when the revenue was changed last time. |
ProfitGoalChanged | date | ☐ | Date when the profit was changed last time. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the goal. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the goal. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Text description of the record. |
Code | nvarchar (64) | ☐ | Code of the product. |
SaleCurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the sale currency. |
PurchaseCurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the purchase currency. |
UnitEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the unit. |
PurchasePrice | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Purchase price. |
SalePrice | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | List price. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
Structure | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Warehouse location. |
PriceListGroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_PriceListGroups.ItemGUIDGuid of the price list group. |
IsPriceSum | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the price is sum of the sub-items. |
Description | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Additional description. |
InventoryQuantity | decimal (18, 2) | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Quantity of the product in stock. |
SalePriceDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | List price in default currency. |
SalePriceChanged | date | ☐ | Date when list price was changed last time. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
PurchasePriceDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Purchase price in default currency. |
PurchasePriceChanged | date | ☐ | Date when purchase price was changed last time. |
VATRate | decimal (5, 4) | ☒ | VAT rate in percent. |
VATIncluded | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether VAT is included in the price. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Product picture. |
PictureWidth | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Width of the product picture. |
PictureHeight | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Height of the product picture. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDProduct type identificator. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the product. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the product. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Text description of the record. |
Code | nvarchar (64) | ☐ | Code of the product. |
SaleCurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the sale currency. |
PurchaseCurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the purchase currency. |
UnitEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the unit. |
PurchasePrice | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Purchase price. |
SalePrice | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Sale price. |
Quantity | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Quantity. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
PriceTotal | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price. |
Structure | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Warehouse locatio. |
ListPrice | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | List price. |
Discount | decimal (18, 4) | ☒ | Discount in percent. |
HierarchyInSet | nvarchar (68) | ☐ | Hierarchy in set: [PARENT_GOOD_CODE]\[CHILD_GOOD_CODE]. |
IsFromSet | bit | ☒ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the item is a set item. |
ParentGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_GoodsInCart.ItemGUIDGUID of the parent item. |
Rank | int | ☐ | Position of the item in the list. |
IsPriceSum | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the price is sum of the sub-items. |
IncludeInCartPrice | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Indicates whether the price will be used to calculate total price of the cart. |
ListPriceCustomized | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the list price has been modified by the user. |
Description | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Additional description. |
ChildItemsCount | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Number of child items. |
VATRate | decimal (5, 4) | ☒ | Rate of VAT in percent. |
PriceTotalExcludingVAT | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price without VAT amount. |
VATTotal | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total VAT amount. |
SalePriceExcludingVAT | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Sale price without VAT amount. |
VAT | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | VAT amount. |
PurchasePriceDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Purchase price in default currency. |
PurchasePriceParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Purchase price in currency of the parent object. |
PurchasePriceChanged | date | ☐ | Date when the purchase price was changed for the last time. |
SalePriceDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Sale price in default currency. |
SalePriceParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Sales price in currency of the parent object. |
SalePriceChanged | date | ☐ | Date when the sale price of good was changed for the last time. |
PriceTotalDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price in default currency. |
PriceTotalParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price in currency of the parent object. |
PriceTotalChanged | date | ☐ | Date when the total price of good was changed for the last time. |
ListPriceDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | List price in default currency. |
ListPriceParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | List price in currency of the parent object. |
ListPriceChanged | date | ☐ | Date when the list price of good was changed last time. |
PriceTotalExcludingVATDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price without VAT amount in default currency. |
PriceTotalExcludingVATParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total price without VAT amount in currency of the parent object. |
VATTotalDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total VAT amount in default currency. |
VATTotalParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total VAT amount in currency of the parent object. |
SalePriceExcludingVATDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Sale price without VAT amount in default currency. |
SalePriceExcludingVATParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Sale price without VAT amount in currency of the parent object. |
VATDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | VAT amount in default currency. |
VATParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | VAT amount in currency of the parent object. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
Server_PohodaDataSourceType | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Specifies Pohoda data source. 0 = FA, 1 = OBJ. |
JoinedToGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_GoodsInCart.ItemGUIDGUID of the related item. |
PurchasePriceTotal | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total purchase price. |
PurchasePriceTotalDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total purchase price in default currency. |
PurchasePriceTotalParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total purchase price in currency of the parent object. |
PurchasePriceTotalChanged | date | ☐ | Date when the total purchase price of good was changed for the last time. |
VATIncluded | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether VAT is included in the ListPrice. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Product picture. |
PictureWidth | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Width of the product picture. |
PictureHeight | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Height of the product picture. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDProduct type identificator. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Server_PohodaId | int | ☒ | Unique identifier of this item in system Pohoda. |
ParentGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Goods.ItemGUIDGUID of the parent product. |
ChildGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Goods.ItemGUIDGUID of the child product. |
Quantity | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Quantity. |
Rank | int | ☒ | Position of the item. |
Price | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Price of the product. |
IsRegular | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the item is a set or not. |
Server_PohodaIdUniqueHelper | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | COMPUTEDSubstitute unique identifier, when the Server_PohodaId is null. |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of currency from EnumValues. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
IncludeInCart | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Value indicating whether should be product into bookkeeping along with parent. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
List of groups of users. Each group can have its own permissions
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
ResponsibilityDescription | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Description of the responsibility. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Text description of the record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
IsAdmin | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the group is Administrators group. |
GroupName | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Name of the group. |
Description | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Description. |
IsPM | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))One group has to be marked as Project Managers - special unique relation (RelationType SUPERVISOR) between projects and users is created for each project. |
System | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))System group cannot be deleted. |
IsRole | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates that the group is a role. |
IsCategory | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates that the group is category. |
DisallowControlModulePermissions | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates that the user won't be able to change group's module permissions. |
DisallowControlColumnPermissions | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates that the user won't be able to change group's column permissions. |
IsOutlookCategory | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates that the group is Outlook category. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
DisallowControlUserAssignment | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates that the administrator won't be able to add or remove users from the group. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
ColorEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDGroup Color. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Id of the specific record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the local database. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the server database. |
ModifiedItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of changed item . |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDID of the module of changed item. |
ColumnName | nvarchar (128) | ☒ | Name of column which value changed. |
ClientID | bigint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ClientVersions.ID |
PrevValueGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | Previous unique identifier value. |
NewValueGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | New unique identifier value. |
PrevValueVarChar | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Previous variable characters value. |
NewValueVarChar | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | New variable characters value. |
PrevValueVarCharMax | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Previous variable characters value. |
NewValueVarCharMax | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | New variable characters value. |
PrevValueBit | bit | ☒ | Previous bit value. |
NewValueBit | bit | ☒ | New bit value. |
PrevValueInt | int | ☒ | Previous integer value. |
NewValueInt | int | ☒ | New integer value. |
PrevValueBigInt | bigint | ☒ | |
NewValueBigInt | bigint | ☒ | |
PrevValueDecimal | decimal (19, 4) | ☒ | Previous decimal value. |
NewValueDecimal | decimal (19, 4) | ☒ | New decimal value. |
PrevValueDateTime | datetime | ☒ | Previous date time value. |
NewValueDateTime | datetime | ☒ | New date time value. |
PrevValueVarBinary | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Previous binary value. |
NewValueVarBinary | varbinary (max) | ☒ | New date binary value. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
SID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_LoginHistory.ItemGUIDSession ID which was used by the client that made the change. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITY |
Users children
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
LastName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Last name. |
PersonalIdentificationNumber | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Personal ID. |
MiddleName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Middle name. |
FirstName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | First name. |
Agreement | bit | ☒ | Agreement with personal information handling. |
Prefix | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Prefix. |
Birthdate | date | ☒ | Brithdate. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Suffix | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Suffix. |
PrefixEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of item prefix. |
SuffixEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of item suffix. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the record is private. Default is no. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Price | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Price amount. |
Discount | decimal (18, 4) | ☒ | Discount in percent. |
Companies_INDIVIDUALDISCOUNT | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Companies.ItemGUIDGuid of the company. |
Goods_INDIVIDUALDISCOUNT | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Goods.ItemGUIDGuid of the product. |
PriceListGroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_PriceListGroups.ItemGUIDGuid of the price list group. |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the currency. |
PriceDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Price amount in default currency. |
PriceChanged | date | ☐ | Date when the price of individual discount was changed for the last time. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Changes for synchronization - items in this table are synchronized automaticaly
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ChangeID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYIdentity column. |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the changed record. |
Removed | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the record was removed or not. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
FileAs | nvarchar (1280) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
Calls, meetings, notes, events and changes related to projects
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
EventStart | smalldatetime | ☐ | DEFAULT (getdate())Start time. |
EventEnd | smalldatetime | ☐ | DEFAULT (getdate())End time. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the record. |
ImportanceEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDImportance. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
System | bit | ☒ | DEFAULT ((0))System items cannot be changed by the user. |
ChangedField | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Name of the changed field. |
FieldValue | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | New value. |
PrevFieldValue | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Old value. |
Calendar_ORIGIN | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Calendar.ItemGUIDGUID of the connected appointment item. |
CalendarEntryID | varchar (140) | ☒ | Appointment EntryID from Outlook. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
EmailCampaignResponseType | tinyint | ☒ | Sent = 1, Delivered = 2, Viewed = 3, Logout = 4, NotDelivered = 5, LinkOpened = 6, MarkedAsSpam = 7. |
Phone | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Phone number of related phone call. |
PhoneNormalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized phone number of related phone call. |
GDPR | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether is record GDPR relevant. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the journal. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the journal. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Users knowledges
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
TitleEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDTitle identifier. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the record. |
LevelEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDLevel identifier. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0)) |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0)) |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUID |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUID |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the module for which is layout designed. |
Definition | nvarchar (max) | ☐ | Layout definition. |
Default | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value determines whether layout is a default layout. |
System | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value determines whether layout is a system layout and therefore not editable. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Layout Models, for each item type must exist just one Layout definition
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the module for which is layout designed. |
LayoutGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Layouts.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the form layout definition. |
ItemTypeGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the enum value which represents a type of the item. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Groups.ItemGUIDIf not null, the layout i assigned to this group. If user has this group set as the "default group", this layout overrides the layout by type or default layout. If this column is not null, ItemTypeGUID then must be null. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the record. |
LeadOriginEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the source. |
ReceiveDate | date | ☒ | Date received. |
nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Email address. | |
Phone | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Telephone number. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
Customer | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Name of company. |
ContactPerson | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Name of contact person. |
HID | int | ☒ | Number identifier of the lead. |
Probability | decimal (18, 4) | ☒ | Probability of the achievement. |
Price | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Price of the lead. |
EstimatedEnd | date | ☒ | Estimated end of the lead. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the record. |
Street | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Street of contact address. |
Zip | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | ZIP code of contact address. |
City | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | City of contact address. |
PriceDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Price of lead in default currency. |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of currency. |
PriceChanged | date | ☐ | Date when the price of lead was changed for the last time. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
PhoneNormalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized telephone number. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the record. |
LastActivity | date | ☒ | Date of a the last activity. |
NextStep | date | ☒ | Date of the next step. |
EstimatedValue | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Estimated value calculated from estimated revenue and probability. |
EstimatedValueDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Estimated value in default currency. |
EmailOptOut | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether the lead should be excluded from marketing lists. |
CountryEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the country. |
State | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | State name. |
POBox | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | PO Box. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
CompletedDate | date | ☒ | Date when lead was marked as completed. |
LostDate | date | ☒ | Date when lead was marked as lost. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
Created | datetimeoffset | ☐ | Login time. |
UserHostID | nvarchar (50) | ☒ | Client ID. |
Successful | bit | ☐ | Indicates whether the login was successful. |
UserHostAddress | varchar (45) | ☒ | IP host address of the remote client. |
UserHostName | varchar (200) | ☒ | Name of the host. |
UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the user. |
SID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | Session GUID. |
TimeZone | nvarchar (32) | ☒ | Time zone identifier. |
IsFullSync | bit | ☒ | Indicates whether the client runs full sync. |
ProxyAddress | varchar (45) | ☒ | Proxy address provided during login. |
ClientID | bigint | ☐ | Client version ID. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
SynchronizationType | tinyint | ☐ | Type of synchronization 3rd party software. |
SynchronizationObjectName | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Synchronization object name. |
Field | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Field in eWay-CRM described by [FolderName].[FieldName]. |
MappedField | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | 3rd party software field description. |
System | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Default mapping which cannot be changed by user. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Text description of the record. |
ID | int | ☒ | Number identifier of item. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the record. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the record. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the record. |
EstimatedStart | date | ☒ | Estimated start of the marketing campaign. |
EstimatedEnd | date | ☒ | Estimated end of the marketing campaign. |
Budget | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Budget of the marketing campaign. |
EstimatedResponses | int | ☒ | Estimated amount of responses. |
EstimatedRevenues | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Estimated revenues. |
RealStart | date | ☒ | Real start of the marketing campaign. |
RealEnd | date | ☒ | Real end of the marketing campaign. |
Expenses | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Expenses of the marketing campaign. |
FinalResponses | int | ☒ | Final amount of responses. |
FinalRevenues | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Final revenues. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
EmailCampaignHash | varchar (50) | ☒ | Email campaign has ( |
EmailsSent | int | ☒ | Number of sent emails. |
EmailsDelivered | int | ☒ | Number of delivered emails. |
EmailsViewed | int | ☒ | Number of viewed emails. |
PeopleUnsubscribed | int | ☒ | Number of unsubscribed people. |
TargetGroup | int | ☒ | Target group. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
EmailCampaignContactListChanged | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Date when the ContactList was changed during the last check. |
EmailsMarkedAsSpam | int | ☒ | Count of emails marked as spam. |
EmailCampaignEmailSent | datetime | ☒ | Date of email sent via |
LastResponsesDownloadTime | datetime | ☒ | Date of last statistics download from |
ResponsesDownloadCount | int | ☒ | statistics download counter. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Contact | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Contact name. |
Company | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Company name. |
Email1Address | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Email address of contact. |
Phone | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Phone number of contact. |
AddressPostalCode | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Postal code of contact address. |
AddressCity | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | City of the contact address. |
AddressStreet | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Street of the contact address. |
MarketingGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Marketing.ItemGUIDGUID of connected marketing campaign item. |
FolderName | nvarchar (50) | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.FolderNameFolder name for source of the contact. |
FirstName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | First name of the contact. |
LastName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Last name of the contact. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Leads.ItemGUIDGUID of the lead. |
ContactGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Contacts.ItemGUIDGUID of the contact. |
CompanyGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Companies.ItemGUIDGUID of the company. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Definition | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | SQL script definition. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
en | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('N/A')English translation. |
cs | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('N/A')Czech translation. |
de | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('N/A')German translation. |
ru | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('N/A')Russian translation. |
System | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is system or not. |
sk | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('N/A')Slovak translation. |
no | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('N/A')Norwegian translation. |
Active | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Value indicating whether the marketing list source is active. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Id of the specific record |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number, increased after each record change |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - owner |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - creator |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - last changing user |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was created on the local database |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the local database |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was created on the server database |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the server database |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeID |
TrackHistory | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether item has activity history tracking enabled. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
PrivateItemsEnabled | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether Private items are enabled for the module. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Date | date | ☐ | Date of payment. |
Paid | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Paid amount. |
PaidDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Default currency of payment. |
PaidParentCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Payment currency of the parent object. |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the currency. |
Server_PohodaId | int | ☐ | Unique identifier of this item in system Pohoda. |
Server_PohodaIdUniqueHelper | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | COMPUTEDSubstitute unique identifier, when the Server_PohodaId is null. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Server_PohodaId | int | ☒ | Unique identifier of this item in system Pohoda. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
Server_PohodaIdUniqueHelper | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | COMPUTEDSubstitute unique identifier, when the Server_PohodaId is null. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Id of the specific record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number, increased after each record change. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - owner. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - creator. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - last changing user. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was created on the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was created on the server database. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the server database. |
SalePriceGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_SalePrices.ItemGUIDGUID from EWD_SalesPrices, type of sale’s price. |
GoodsItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Goods.ItemGUIDGUID from EWD_Goods. |
Price | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Sale price. |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of currency in EnumValues. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
WeekNumber | int | ☐ | Week number. |
Year | int | ☐ | Year number. |
AssignmentHours | decimal (18, 2) | ☐ | Assigned hours. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
List of projects
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
Price | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Price. |
ProjectEnd | date | ☒ | Project end. |
ProjectStart | date | ☒ | Project start. |
ProjectName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Name of the project. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the record. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the record. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
PeopleExpenses | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | People expenses. |
ProjectRealEnd | date | ☒ | Real end. |
EstimatedPrice | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Estimated price. |
HID | int | ☒ | Project ID. |
ProjectOriginEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier origin. |
PaymentTypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPayment type identifier. |
OtherExpenses | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Other expenses. |
Margin | decimal (18, 4) | ☒ | Margin. |
PaymentMaturity | int | ☒ | Payment maturity. |
InvoicePaymentDate | date | ☒ | Payment date. |
InvoiceIssueDate | date | ☒ | Invoice date. |
EstimatedMargin | decimal (18, 4) | ☒ | Estimated margin. |
EstimatedPeopleExpenses | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Estimated people expenses. |
EstimatedOtherExpenses | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Estimated other expenses. |
LicensesCount | int | ☒ | Number of licenses. |
LicensePrice | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Price per license. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the record. |
ShowInCaplan | bit | ☒ | DEFAULT ((1))Indicates whether the project is visible in the CaPlan application. |
EstimatedWorkHours | int | ☒ | Estimated work hours on project. |
TotalWorkHours | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Total work hours on project. |
EstimatedPeopleExpensesDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Estimated people expenses in default currency. |
EstimatedOtherExpensesDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Estimated other expenses in default currency. |
EstimatedPriceDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Estimated price of project in default currency. |
PeopleExpensesDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | People’s expenses in default currency. |
OtherExpensesDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Other expenses in default currency. |
PriceDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Price of project in default currency. |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the currency. |
EstimatedPeopleExpensesChanged | date | ☐ | Date and time when was EstimatedPeopleExpensesDefaultCurrency changed. |
EstimatedOtherExpensesChanged | date | ☐ | Date and time when was EstimatedOtherExpensesDefaultCurrency changed. |
OtherExpensesChanged | date | ☐ | Date and time when was OtherExpensesDefaultCurrency changed. |
EstimatedPriceChanged | date | ☐ | Date and time when was OtherExpensesDefaultCurrency changed. |
PriceChanged | date | ☐ | Date and time, when was PriceDefaultCurrency changed. |
LicensePriceChanged | date | ☐ | Date and time, when was LicensePriceDefaultCurrency changed. |
LicensePriceDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Price of License in default currency. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
LastActivity | date | ☒ | Date of the last activity. |
NextStep | date | ☒ | Date of the next step. |
Profit | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Project actual profit. |
ProfitDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Project actual profit in default currency. |
EstimatedProfit | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Project estimated profit. |
EstimatedProfitDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Project estimated profit in default currency. |
PeopleExpensesChanged | date | ☐ | Date and time, when was OtherExpensesDefaultCurrency changed. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
CompletedDate | date | ☒ | Date when project was marked as completed. |
LostDate | date | ☒ | Date when project was marked as lost. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
◆ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYNumber identifier of item. |
Name | varchar (256) | ☒ | Name of the SQL stored procedure. |
Parameters | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Parameters of the stored procedure. |
BatchStart | datetimeoffset | ☒ | Date and time when the batch started. |
IsError | bit | ☒ | Indicates whether the job finished with error. |
ErrorMessage | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Error message. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Id of the specific record |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number, increased after each record change |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - owner |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - creator |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - last changing user |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was created on the local database |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the local database |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was created on the server database |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the server database |
TaskGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Tasks.ItemGUIDUnique identificator of related task |
RecurrenceType | tinyint | ☐ | Recurrence type |
Interval | int | ☒ | Recurrence interval |
Instance | tinyint | ☒ | Recurrence instance |
DayOfWeekMask | tinyint | ☒ | Days of week mask used for recurrence |
DayOfMonth | tinyint | ☒ | Day of month of ocurrence |
MonthOfYear | tinyint | ☒ | Month of year of ocurrence |
Regenerate | bit | ☒ | Value indicating whether task should be regenerate after being completed |
NoEndDate | bit | ☒ | Value indicating whether end date of recurrence is set |
Occurrences | int | ☒ | Number of occurrences |
PatternStartDate | date | ☒ | Start date of recurrence |
PatternEndDate | date | ☒ | End date of recurrence |
EndKind | tinyint | ☐ | Value indicating kind of recurrence pattern end. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Table of reports definitions, not shown on any form - should be in Administrator UI soon.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Category | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Category identifier. |
Name | varchar (128) | ☐ | Name of the report. |
Description | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Detailed description. |
Definition | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | XML definition of the report (contents of the RDL file). |
Data | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional data. |
Active | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Value indicating whether the report is active. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
Revision | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Number of the revision. |
DocumentGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Documents.ItemGUIDGUID of the related document. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
FileSize | bigint | ☐ | Size of the document file in bytes. |
FileCreationTime | datetime | ☒ | Creation date and time. |
FileLastWriteTime | datetime | ☒ | Date and time of the last document change. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Users salaries
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
GrossSalary | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Gross salary. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
ValidTo | date | ☒ | Valid to. |
MealTickets | bit | ☒ | Meal tickets. |
SupergrossSalary | decimal (18, 2) | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Supergross salary. |
Default | bit | ☒ | Just one default salary can exist in a time. |
ValidFrom | date | ☐ | Valid from. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
WorkLoadEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDWorkLoad identifier. |
SalaryTypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDSalary type identifier. |
Workload | int | ☒ | Week work hours. |
GrossSalaryDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Amount of gross salary in default currency. |
SupergrossSalaryDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Amount of super gross salary in default currency. |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of currency. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
AdditionalCosts | decimal (18, 2) | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Amount of additional costs. |
AdditionalCostsDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Amount of additional costs in default currency. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0)) |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0)) |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUID |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUID |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
Discount | decimal (18, 4) | ☒ | Discount in percent. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the record. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the record. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the record. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆SID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | GUID identifier. |
UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDGUID of the user. |
Created | datetimeoffset | ☐ | Date and time of session creation. |
LastActivity | datetimeoffset | ☐ | Date and time of session last activity. |
ClientVersion | nvarchar (50) | ☒ | Client version. |
UserHostAddress | varchar (45) | ☒ | IP host address of the remote client. |
UserHostId | varchar (50) | ☒ | Unique identification of the remote client. |
Success | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Value indicating whether was login successful. |
UserHostName | varchar (200) | ☒ | Name of the host. |
TimeZone | nvarchar (32) | ☒ | Time zone identifier. |
IsFullSync | bit | ☒ | Indicates whether the client runs full sync. |
ProxyAddress | varchar (45) | ☒ | Proxy address provided during login. |
SQL definition of objects needed in local database.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Text description of the record. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Name | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Name of the object. |
Type | int | ☐ | 1: Table, 2: View, 3: Procedure, 4: Function, 5: Trigger. |
Script | nvarchar (max) | ☐ | Script definition. |
Rank | int | ☐ | Position of the item. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Body | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Body of task. |
Complete | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the task is completed. |
DueDate | date | ☒ | Due date of the task. |
Importance | int | ☒ | Number identifier of the importance (0, 1, 2). |
PercentComplete | int | ☒ | Percents of task completion. |
StartDate | date | ☒ | Start date of task. |
Status | int | ☒ | Number identifier of task status (0, 1, 2, 3). |
Subject | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Subject of task. |
FileAs | nvarchar (1280) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Level | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Level of task (1 .. 8). |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
Sensitivity | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Number identifier of task sensitivity (0, 1, 2). |
Categories | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Contains data from the Outlook's TaskItem Categories field. |
ActualWorkHours | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Summarization of related work sheets duration. |
EstimatedWorkHours | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Taks estimated efford value from Outlook. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | DEFAULT ('F8622121-6206-47DE-9A3A-C7DC7E9AF92A')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDWorkflow type identificator. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the task. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the task. |
PercentCompleteDecimal | decimal (5, 4) | ☒ | Percents of task completion. |
Reminder | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether is reminder active. |
ReminderDate | smalldatetime | ☒ | Date of task reminder. |
ImportanceEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDLevel of task importance. |
CompletedDate | date | ☒ | Date when task was completed. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Description of team members roles.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
RelationDataGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWR_UnifiedRelations.RelationDataGUIDGUID of the RelationData of the relation between project and user. |
GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Groups.ItemGUIDRelated group identifier. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Users trainings
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Date | date | ☒ | Date. |
TitleEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDTitle identifier. |
GradeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDGrade identifier. |
Result | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Result. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0)) |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0)) |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUID |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUID |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
History of user license assignments.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
LicensingBundles | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Comma delimited codes of licensing bundles assigned to this user. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier of a relation. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYRecord identifier. |
UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | The user identifier. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was created in database. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
UserName | nvarchar (100) | ☐ | Previous user UserName. |
eWay users
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
UserName | nvarchar (100) | ☐ | Login name. |
Server_Password | char (32) | ☒ | Hashed password. |
FirstName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | First user name. |
MiddleName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Middle user name. |
Suffix | nvarchar (50) | ☒ | Suffix. |
FileAs | nvarchar (1280) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Active | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the user is active or not. |
MobilePhoneNumber | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Mobile number. |
Email1Address | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | First email address. |
BusinessPhoneNumber | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Telephone number. |
BankAccount | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Bank account. |
BirthPlace | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Birth place. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
HomeAddressPostalCode | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Postal code of user's home address. |
IDCardNumber | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | ID card number. |
Birthdate | date | ☒ | Birthday. |
IdentificationNumber | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | ID. |
HomeAddressCountry | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Country of user's home address. |
HomeAddressState | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | State of user's home address. |
HealthInsurance | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Health insurance. |
Prefix | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Prefix. |
HolidayLength | decimal (5, 2) | ☒ | Holiday length. |
LastName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Last name. |
PersonalIdentificationNumber | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Personal ID. |
MSN | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | MSN contact. |
ICQ | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | ICQ nickname. |
HomeAddressStreet | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Street of user's home address. |
Email2Address | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Second email address. |
HomeAddressCity | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | City of user's home address. |
Skype | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Skype name. |
HomeAddressPOBox | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | POBox of user's home address. |
FamilyStatusEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDFamily status identifier. |
SalaryDateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDSalary date identifier. |
TransportMode | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Transport mode. |
TravelDistance | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Travel distance. |
TimeAccessibility | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Time accessibility. |
IsHRManager | bit | ☒ | Obsolete, but used for costs calculation or in CaPlan. Should be deleted in near future. |
IsProjectManager | bit | ☒ | Obsolete, but used for costs calculation or in CaPlan. Should be deleted in near future. |
ShowInCaplan | int | ☒ | Obsolete, but used for costs calculation or in CaPlan. Should be deleted in near future. |
PrefixEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the prefix. |
SuffixEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the suffix. |
WorkdayStartTime | nchar (5) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('09:00')Hour when the user workday begins. |
RemainingDaysOfHoliday | decimal (5, 2) | ☒ | DEFAULT ((0))Number of remaining holiday days for the current year. |
Server_OutlookAccess | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the user has access to Outlook client. |
Server_WebAccess | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the user has access to WebAccess client. |
Server_LastLogin | datetimeoffset | ☒ | Date and time of last user login on server. |
Server_LastActivity | datetimeoffset | ☒ | Date and time of last user server activity. |
HomeAddressCountryEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('E130FB18-0950-4D21-8D96-13387D519DD7')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDGUID of user's home address country. |
MobilePhoneNumberNormalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized mobile. |
BusinessPhoneNumberNormalized | varchar (256) | ☒ | Normalized phone number. |
Server_MobileAccess | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the user has access to Mobile client. |
IsSystem | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether the user is a system uer. |
JobTitle | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Job title of the user. |
ProfilePicture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Profile picture of the user. |
ProfilePictureWidth | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Width of the profile picture. |
ProfilePictureHeight | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Height of the profile picture. |
Server_AccountLockedTime | datetimeoffset | ☒ | Value indicating whether was account locked and when. |
Server_ForcePasswordChange | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether is change of user password forced. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_LicensingBundles | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Comma delimited codes of licensing bundles assigned to this user. |
Server_AuthTokensRevokedTime | datetimeoffset | ☒ | Value indicating when the auth tokens were revoked for the user. |
IsApiUser | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether the user is API user. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the user. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the user. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the user. |
Server_PasswordLastChanged | datetimeoffset | ☒ | Last time when the password was changed for the user. |
Server_AssignedContactsAndCompanies | nvarchar (20) | ☒ | Contains cached info about the currently assigned edition of this feature to this user. This information is redundant to EWD_Users.Server_LicensingBundles and must be written only together with that column. |
Server_AssignedSales | nvarchar (20) | ☒ | Contains cached info about the currently assigned edition of this feature to this user. This information is redundant to EWD_Users.Server_LicensingBundles and must be written only together with that column. |
Server_AssignedMarketing | nvarchar (20) | ☒ | Contains cached info about the currently assigned edition of this feature to this user. This information is redundant to EWD_Users.Server_LicensingBundles and must be written only together with that column. |
Server_AssignedProjects | nvarchar (20) | ☒ | Contains cached info about the currently assigned edition of this feature to this user. This information is redundant to EWD_Users.Server_LicensingBundles and must be written only together with that column. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
Name | nvarchar (64) | ☐ | Name. |
Value | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Value. |
Path | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Path. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Users vacations.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
StartDate | smalldatetime | ☒ | Start. |
EndDate | smalldatetime | ☒ | End. |
Place | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Place. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the record. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the record. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the record. |
Duration | decimal (5, 2) | ☒ | Duration in days. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ID | int | ☐ | IDENTITYNumber identifier of version. |
eWay | varchar (20) | ☒ | eWay-CRM version identifier. |
AvailableVersionApproved | bit | ☒ | This bit specifies whether the available version was already allowed/denied/not seen by the administrator. |
AvailableWebServiceVersion | varchar (20) | ☒ | This bit specifies whether the available version was already allowed/denied/not seen by the administrator. |
AvailableOutlookClientVersion | varchar (20) | ☒ | This bit specifies whether the available version was already allowed/denied/not seen by the administrator. |
AvailableVersionChangeLogLink | nvarchar (1024) | ☒ | Link to translated web page containing change log and support for eWay upgrade. |
AvailableVersionReleaseDate | date | ☒ | This is the date when the available version was created in the LS. It is the release date of the particular version. |
eWayChecksum | char (32) | ☒ | Checksum of the client installation file. |
WebService | varchar (20) | ☒ | |
PrevFingerprint | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | If not null, the column contains the fingerprint which was successfully used for getting the LK the last time. If the fingerprint stored here differs from the current fingerprint of the machine, both the previous and the new are sent to the LS to tell it that the server changed its parameters. |
IsAzureAdLogin | bit | ☒ | Indicates whether Azure AD login is used. |
ContactsAndCompanies | varchar (20) | ☒ | Edition of Contacts and Companies. |
BusinessType | varchar (20) | ☒ | Business type. |
Sales | varchar (20) | ☒ | Edition of Sales. |
Projects | varchar (20) | ☒ | Edition of Projects. |
Marketing | varchar (20) | ☒ | Edition of Marketing. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
Key | nvarchar (768) | ☒ | Key. |
Type | nvarchar (768) | ☒ | Type. |
Value | nvarchar (max) | ☐ | Value. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
IsShared | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))If true, this row asi accessible to all users - not only to its owner. Editable is for admins and the owner. If false, view and edit is only for the owner. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OptionName | nvarchar (50) | ☒ | Name of option. |
OptionValue | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Value of option. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆TaskGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the web service task. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
FailedDate | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when task failed. |
Name | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Task name. |
Parameters | nvarchar (max) | ☐ | Task parameters. |
ErrorDescription | nvarchar (max) | ☐ | Description of the task error. |
AdditionalData | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | |
ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITY |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
WeekNumber | int | ☐ | Weeknumber of commitment. |
Year | int | ☐ | Year of commitment. |
WorkCommitment | int | ☐ | Committed hours. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Users worked hours
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Subject | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Subject. |
Date | date | ☐ | Date. |
Duration | decimal (18, 3) | ☒ | Duration in hours. |
Note | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | Additional text information. |
Rate | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Costs of the item. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
WorkReportEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDType of the record. |
ImportanceEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDImportance. |
FromTime | smalldatetime | ☐ | From. |
ToTime | smalldatetime | ☐ | To. |
DayTypeEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDDay type identifier. |
Overtime | bit | ☒ | Indicates whether the item is overtime. |
Calendar_ORIGIN | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Calendar.ItemGUIDRelated item from EWD_Calendar. |
Year | int | ☒ | Year. |
Month | tinyint | ☒ | Month. |
CalendarEntryID | varchar (140) | ☒ | EntryID of the related appointment from Outlook. |
RateDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Default currency rate. |
RateParentCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Parent currency rate. |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('8D70FEA5-8370-4923-97F5-8667707B4802')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the currency. |
StateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDStatus of the record. |
PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDPrevious status of the record. |
Private | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is private. Default is no. |
RateAdditional | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Additional costs. |
RateAdditionalDefaultCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Additional costs in default currency. |
RateAdditionalParentCurrency | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | Additional costs in parent currency. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Picture | varbinary (max) | ☒ | Image preview. |
PictureWidth | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview width. |
PictureHeight | smallint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Preview height. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
List of not allowed client versions for current data structure.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ClientVersion | nvarchar (50) | ☐ | Client version. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
LangCode | nchar (2) | ☒ | DEFAULT (N'cs')Language code (cs, en, ru, de, no, sk). |
Definition | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | XML definition of the template. |
Namespace | nvarchar (128) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('urn:eway:document-schemas:proposal')Namespace of the template. |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((70))⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the module where the transformation will be used. |
TransformationVersion | int | ☒ | DEFAULT ((1))Version of the transformation. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYId of the specific record. |
ClientVersion | nvarchar (50) | ☐ | Client version. |
Created | datetimeoffset | ☒ | Date and time when the version was used for the first time. |
Type | tinyint | ☐ | OutlookClient: 0, WebAccess: 1, WebService: 2, AdministrationApp: 3, PHPClient: 4, UnitTests: 5, MobileClient (deprecated): 6, IdentityServer: 7, PowerBI: 8, Other: 9, QuickBooks: 10, Office365OutlookAddin: 11, ThreeCX: 12, Zapier: 13, TimeClock: 14, WordPressContactForm7: 15, SignUp: 16, iPhoneApp: 17, AndroidApp: 18, AdministrationWebApp: 19. |
Permissions for specified columns.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Groups.ItemGUIDRelated group identifier. |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the module where the column permission is applied. |
ColumnName | nvarchar (255) | ☐ | Column name. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
Type | tinyint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))0: None, 1: All, 2: Own, 3: Readonly, 4: Invisible. |
Mandatory | tinyint | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))0: None, 1: Mandatory, 2: Optional, 3: Unique. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
IsMandatoryEditable | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Value indicating whether is module permission system and therefore not editable. |
IsTypeEditable | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Value indicating whether user is able to change Type. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
FileAs | nvarchar (50) | ☐ | Text description of the record. |
Date | date | ☐ | Date of holiday. |
CalcFunction | nvarchar (50) | ☒ | Name of SQL function, which calculates date of holiday. |
CountryEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | DEFAULT ('E130FB18-0950-4D21-8D96-13387D519DD7')⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDCountry identifier. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Permissions for a group on a specified module.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Groups.ItemGUIDRelated group identifier. |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the module where the module permission is applied. |
View | varchar (16) | ☐ | NONE, OWN, RELATED, GROUP, INHERITED, ALL. |
Edit | varchar (16) | ☐ | NONE, OWN, RELATED, GROUP, INHERITED, ALL. |
Delete | varchar (16) | ☐ | NONE, OWN, RELATED, GROUP, INHERITED, ALL. |
Create | varchar (16) | ☐ | ALL, NONE. |
Export | varchar (16) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('ALL')ALL, NONE, OWN. |
RowsRestriction | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Number of allowed rows. |
IsSystem | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether is module permission system and therefore not editable. |
History | varchar (16) | ☐ | DEFAULT ('ALL')ALL, NONE, OWN. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
List of every modules in eWay
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | IDENTITYID of the module. |
FolderName | nvarchar (50) | ☐ | Folder name. |
TableName | nvarchar (50) | ☐ | Name of corresponding table in server database. |
ReadOnly | bit | ☐ | Indicates whether the module is readonly. |
FullTextEnabled | bit | ☒ | Indicates whether fulltext is enabled on this module. |
Customizable | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Additional fields can be added or not. |
IsModule | bit | ☒ | Indicates whether users may define permission on this module. |
PrivateItemsEnabled | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether module supports Private items. |
SupportsFileAs | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Indicates whether module uses FileAs column. |
Active | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Value indicating whether the module is active. |
GDPR | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether modul supports GDPR logic. |
GDPRHistory | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Value indicating whether item has GDPR history. |
SupportsItemChanges | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Indicates whether module uses ItemVersion column and so can be synchronized between clients. |
Categorizable | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Indicates whether module is allowing to categorize records. |
Linkable | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Indicates whether the module allows being linked to other records using relational additional field. |
SupportsWorkflow | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether module can display workflow panel. |
TypeEnumGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumTypes.ItemGUIDIf not null, references to EWD_EnumTypes.ItemGUID and determines the enum type of the module TypeEn (DocTypeEn or other) field. |
Helper table for UnifiedRelations.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆Direction | tinyint | ☐ | |
◆Position | tinyint | ☐ |
Table with suspended triggers.
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ProcedureName | varchar (256) | ☐ | Name of the suspended procedure. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Reason | nvarchar (max) | ☐ | Reason of the suspension. |
Possible state changes in WorkFlows
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
ModelGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWF_Models.ItemGUIDGUID of the workflow model. |
ParentStatusGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the parent status. |
ChildStatusGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the child status. |
Roundtrip | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Indicates whether the flow allows step back. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
History of states changes for each WF
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
ParentStatusGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the source status. |
ChildStatusGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the destination status. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
WorkFlow Models, for each WF must exist just one Model
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
EnumTypeGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumTypes.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the enumeration with corresponding workflow statuses. |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | Text description of the record. |
ParentType | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the enum value which represents a type of the item. |
IsSystem | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((0))Determines whether the item is system model. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
IsUsingFlows | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Value indicating whether is workflow using flows or not. |
AllowEditItems | bit | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Indicates whether users can edit workflow statuses and flows. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Id of the specific record |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number, increased after each record change |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - owner |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - creator |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDFK: ItemGUID, EWD_Users - last changing user |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was created on the local database |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the local database |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was created on the server database |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date when the record was changed for the last time on the server database |
EnumValueGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the enum value. |
RelatedItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the related item. |
FieldName | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | Name of the field on related item. |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☒ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the items. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Table of relations between source item and copied item
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who created the record. |
ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDIdentifier of the user who updated the record for the last time. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
CopyFrom | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Source item identifier. |
CopyTo | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Target item identifier. |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the items. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier. |
Table of all relations between modules. Each relation is created by pair of relations with opposite ItemGUID1 and ItemGUID2
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Identifier of the database record. |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | DEFAULT ((1))Version number of the database record. Increments with each update. |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been created in the local database. |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was created on the server. |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | DEFAULT (sysdatetimeoffset())Date and time when the record was updated on the server. |
ItemGUID1 | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | GUID of the first item. |
ItemGUID2 | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | GUID of the second item. |
ObjectTypeID1 | tinyint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the first item. |
ObjectTypeID2 | tinyint | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWE_ObjectTypes.ObjectTypeIDObjectTypeID of the second item. |
RelationDataGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | Each pair of relations has common information saved here. |
Direction | tinyint | ☐ | For one-to-many relations. Standard relation has Direction = 0, one-to-many is saved with 1 and 2. |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | ⇨ dbo.EWD_Users.ItemGUIDOwner of the database record. |
ItemState | tinyint | ☐ | COMPUTEDValue is alway zero. It is used for compatibility with local databases. |
RelationTypeID | smallint | ☐ | Relation type ID. |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ | IDENTITYSortable unique identifier of a relation. |
RelationType | varchar (30) | ☒ | COMPUTED |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
◆version | bigint | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ItemVersion | int | ☐ | |
ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | |
ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | |
Server_ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | ☐ | |
Server_ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | ☐ | |
ItemGUID1 | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ItemGUID2 | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ObjectTypeID1 | tinyint | ☐ | |
ObjectTypeID2 | tinyint | ☐ | |
RelationDataGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
Direction | int | ☐ | |
OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ItemState | tinyint | ☒ | |
RelationTypeID | smallint | ☐ | |
RelationType | varchar (30) | ☒ | |
Server_ID | bigint | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ObjectTypeID | int | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
DayInWeek | int | ☒ | |
DayInWeekName | nvarchar (30) | ☒ | |
hh_From | int | ☐ | |
mm_From | int | ☐ | |
hh_To | int | ☐ | |
mm_To | int | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
EnumType | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | |
FolderName | varchar (50) | ☒ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | |
FolderName | nvarchar (50) | ☒ | |
FileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | |
CartItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
CartTypeItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | |
AmountExcludingVAT | decimal (38, 3) | ☒ | |
AmountExcludingVATParentCurrency | decimal (38, 3) | ☒ | |
AmountExcludingVATDefaultCurrency | decimal (38, 3) | ☒ | |
PurchaseExpensesParentCurrency | decimal (38, 3) | ☒ | |
PurchaseExpensesDefaultCurrency | decimal (38, 3) | ☒ | |
TaxableSupplyDate | date | ☒ | |
AccountingCaseDate | date | ☒ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | |
Cnt | bigint | ☒ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ParentItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | |
Cnt | bigint | ☒ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | |
FolderName | nvarchar (50) | ☒ | |
CartItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
CartTypeItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | |
AmountExcludingVAT | decimal (38, 3) | ☒ | |
AmountDefaultCurrency | decimal (38, 3) | ☒ | |
CurrencyEn | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
AmountExcludingVATParentCurrency | decimal (38, 3) | ☒ | |
AmountExcludingVATDefaultCurrency | decimal (38, 3) | ☒ | |
PurchaseExpensesParentCurrency | decimal (38, 3) | ☒ | |
PurchaseExpensesDefaultCurrency | decimal (38, 3) | ☒ | |
ForPaymentParentCurrency | decimal (38, 6) | ☒ | |
ForPaymentDefaultCurrency | decimal (38, 6) | ☒ | |
ValidUntil | date | ☒ | |
EffectiveFrom | date | ☒ | |
TaxableSupplyDate | date | ☒ | |
AccountingCaseDate | date | ☒ | |
IsProjectCartType | int | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ParentItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ParentObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | |
Cnt | bigint | ☒ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
en | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | |
cs | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | |
DayCount | nvarchar (max) | ☒ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ProjectName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | |
ProjectType | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | |
ProjectState | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | |
ProjectEnd | datetime | ☒ | |
DaysToEnd | int | ☒ | |
Price | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | |
Currency | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
EmailAddresses | nvarchar (max) | ☒ | |
PMGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☒ | |
PMName | nvarchar (1280) | ☒ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ProjectName | nvarchar (256) | ☒ | |
HID | int | ☒ | |
ProjectType | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | |
ProjectsTypeFileAs | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | |
ProjectState | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | |
ProjectEnd | datetime | ☒ | |
DaysToEnd | int | ☒ | |
Price | decimal (18, 2) | ☒ | |
Currency | uniqueidentifier | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
RandomNumber | float (53, 0) | ☒ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | |
GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
GroupName | nvarchar (256) | ☐ | |
IsCategory | bit | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
RelationDataGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ItemGUID_A | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ItemGUID_B | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
IsOriented | bit | ☒ | |
ObjectTypeID_A | tinyint | ☐ | |
ObjectTypeID_B | tinyint | ☐ | |
RelationType | varchar (30) | ☒ | |
RelationTypeID | smallint | ☐ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ☐ | |
Cnt | bigint | ☒ |
Name | Type | NULL | Comment |
enName | nvarchar (50) | ☐ | |
csName | nvarchar (50) | ☒ | |
EnumValueRateGUID | uniqueidentifier | ☐ | |
RateCoefficient | numeric (2, 1) | ☐ | |
IsFix | int | ☐ |
CaPlan - remove (or display) project assignment for user for week for project.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserName | nvarchar (50) | ||
@ProjectName | nvarchar (256) | ||
@Year | int | ||
@WeekNumber | int | ||
@Action | nvarchar (50) |
Adds the specified categories to the item. Categories are given by name in one string joined by specified delimiter. The default delimiter is comma ','. Raises error if unknown category name is detected.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identified of the item that should be categorized. | |
@ItemFolderName | nvarchar (256) | Folder name the item belongs to. | |
@GroupsList | nvarchar (max) | String of group names separated by delimiter. | |
@Delimiter | char (1) | Delimiter used in the @GroupList parameter to separate the group names. Default delimiter is comma ','. | |
@PreserveExistingCategories | bit | While being 1 preserves existing categories. Default value is 1. |
Connect email to project with GENERAL relation when is email connected to completed lead.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EmailGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of email. | |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of lead. |
Prevents additional fields record that is being saved from hitting into unique constraints. This procedure copies the logic of eWaySP_EnumValues_KeepEntryUnique. Other items changed by this procedure do not get incremented ItemVersion nor are they put into EWD_ItemChanges.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Saved additional field item guid. | |
@ObjectTypeID | tinyint | Folder object type to which this af belongs. | |
@NewRank | int | New rank set to the additional field. | |
@NewName | nvarchar (256) | New name set to the additional field. |
Add procedure into job queue with parameters as text.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ProcedureName | varchar (256) | Name of the procedure to execute. | |
@Parameters | nvarchar (max) | Parameters of procedure as text. |
Add procedure into job queue with parameters as text.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ProcedureName | varchar (256) | Name of the procedure to execute. | |
@Parameter1Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 1. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter1Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 1. | |
@Parameter2Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 2. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter2Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 2. | |
@Parameter3Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 3. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter3Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 3. | |
@Parameter4Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 4. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter4Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 4. | |
@Parameter5Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 5. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter5Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 5. | |
@Parameter6Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 6. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter6Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 6. | |
@Parameter7Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 7. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter7Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 7. | |
@Parameter8Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 8. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter8Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 8. | |
@Parameter9Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 9. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter9Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 9. | |
@Parameter10Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 10. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter10Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 10. | |
@Parameter11Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 11. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter11Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 11. | |
@Parameter12Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 12. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter12Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 12. | |
@Parameter13Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 13. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter13Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 13. | |
@Parameter14Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 14. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter14Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 14. | |
@Parameter15Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure parameter 15. It has to start with @. | |
@Parameter15Value | sql_variant | Value of the procedure parameter 15. | |
@TextParameter1Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure text (NVARCHAR(MAX)) parameter 1. It has to start with @. | |
@TextParameter1Value | nvarchar (max) | Value of the procedure text (NVARCHAR(MAX)) parameter 1. | |
@TextParameter2Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure text (NVARCHAR(MAX)) parameter 2. It has to start with @. | |
@TextParameter2Value | nvarchar (max) | Value of the procedure text (NVARCHAR(MAX)) parameter 2. | |
@TextParameter3Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure text (NVARCHAR(MAX)) parameter 3. It has to start with @. | |
@TextParameter3Value | nvarchar (max) | Value of the procedure text (NVARCHAR(MAX)) parameter 3. | |
@TextParameter4Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure text (NVARCHAR(MAX)) parameter 4. It has to start with @. | |
@TextParameter4Value | nvarchar (max) | Value of the procedure text (NVARCHAR(MAX)) parameter 4. | |
@TextParameter5Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the procedure text (NVARCHAR(MAX)) parameter 5. It has to start with @. | |
@TextParameter5Value | nvarchar (max) | Value of the procedure text (NVARCHAR(MAX)) parameter 5. |
Adds user to a specified group.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the user. | |
@GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the group. |
Remove invalid records from database.
Removes the MDF and MDF files limitation since the DB limits will be maintained by Licensing Server and the WS itself.
Signs the new version as approved. Raises error if the current version is different than the approved one.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@AvailableWebServiceVersion | nvarchar (20) | Web service version to be approved. | |
@AvailableOutlookClientVersion | nvarchar (20) | Outlook client version to be approved. |
Assigns a team role to a user on a specified project.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the user. | |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the project. | |
@TeamRoleName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the role. | |
@GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the role. |
Creats new client in the database.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ClientName | nvarchar (200) | Client display name. | |
@RedirectUri | nvarchar (2000) | Redirect URL. | |
@Enabled | bit | True to make the client enabled. | |
@ClientSecret | varchar (250) | Desired client secret or leave NULL to generate a new one. | |
@ClientID | nvarchar (200) | Desired client name or leave NULL to generate a new one. |
Gets client.
Gets consent by user GUID and client ID.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | User GUID. | |
@ClientID | nvarchar (200) | Identifier of client. |
Gets consents by user GUID.
Gets token by key and type.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Key | nvarchar (128) | Token key. | |
@TokenType | smallint | Token type. |
Gets tokens by user GUID and token type.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | User GUID. | |
@TokenType | smallint | Token type. |
Removes consent by user GUID and client ID.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | User GUID. | |
@ClientID | nvarchar (200) | Identifier of client. |
Removes expired tokens.
Removes token.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Key | nvarchar (128) | Token key. | |
@TokenType | smallint | Type of the token. |
Removes tokens.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | User GUID. | |
@ClientID | nvarchar (200) | Client ID. | |
@TokenType | smallint | Token type. |
Store consent in database.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | User GUID. | |
@ClientID | nvarchar (200) | Client ID. | |
@Scopes | nvarchar (2000) | Scopes. |
Stores auth token into the database.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Key | nvarchar (128) | Token key. | |
@TokenType | smallint | Token type. | |
@SubjectID | nvarchar (200) | Identifier of the user. | |
@ClientID | nvarchar (200) | Identifier of the client. | |
@JsonCode | nvarchar (max) | Token JSON data. | |
@Expiry | datetimeoffset | Expiration of the token. | |
@CreationTime | datetimeoffset | Creation time of the token. |
Creates relation between contact's activity and contact's main company.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ActivityGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the activity item. | |
@ActivityOT | int | Object type ID of the activity item. | |
@ContactGUID | uniqueidentifier | Contact identifier. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the user who created the activity. |
Creates relation between deal's email and deal's contact person.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EmailGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the email. | |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the deal. |
Fills probability on deal.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | The deal unique identifier. | |
@StateGUID | uniqueidentifier | The workflow status unique identifier. | |
@PrevStateGUID | uniqueidentifier | The previous workflow status unique identifier. |
Track user's login time and last activity time from table Sessions to table Users.
Creates FULL backup of the database on the end of the week and DIFF backups on the other days.
Blocks specified client version.
Calculates estimated value from price and probability.
Summarize carts prices on deal, if it is allowed by global settings and editing price on deal is permitted.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@CartGUID | uniqueidentifier | The bookkeeping unique identifier. | |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | The deal unique identifier. |
Recalculate prices on leads.
Recalculates project estimated work hours.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ProjectAssignmentGUID | uniqueidentifier | The project assignment unique identifier. | |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | The project unique identifier. |
Fills EstimatedWorkHours on all projects.
Summarize carts prices on project, if it is allowed by global settings and editing price on project is permitted.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@CartGUID | uniqueidentifier | The bookkeeping record unique identifier. | |
@WorkReportGUID | uniqueidentifier | The work report unique identifier. | |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | The deal unique identifier. | |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | The project unique identifier. | |
@BonusGUID | uniqueidentifier | The bonus unique identifier. |
Recalculate projects prices.
Insert execution of procedure eWaySP_CalculateProjectPrices into EWD_QueuedJobs.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@WorkReportGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of work report for recalculation. | |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of project for recalculation. | |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of deal for recalculation. |
Recalculate rates on work reports with respect to global settings 'IncludeEntireFixRateInWorkReports' for fix rate.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@DaysBack | int | Days to back for backward calculation. | |
@UserName | nvarchar (256) | UserName of user that is related to work reports. | |
@WorkReportGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of WorkReports item. | |
@StartDate | datetime | WorkReports are recalulated from @StartDate date. | |
@EndDate | datetime | WorkReports are recalulated to @EndDate date. |
Calculates rates for reports in last 2 months.
Recalculates prices for all bookkeeping records which has related products.
Sets identifier of bookkeeping record.
Categorize items by related company.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@CompanyGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of source company. | |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of target item for category copying. | |
@ItemObjectType | int | Object type of target item. | |
@GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of group. |
Clears converted suggestions counter.
Clears foreign keys from items.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | The enumeration value unique identifier. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who will be set as modifier of items. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | The folder name. | |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (256) | The column name. |
Closes WS session.
Calculates companies turnover.
Calculates debts and unpaid invoices for companies.
Porceeds the fully automatic conversion of the Lead into Company, Project and Contact entities. This procedure was originally created for the automatic Trial/Free Lead buying purposes.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@LeadItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ItemGUID of the Lead that has to be converted. | |
@CreateCompany | bit | Determines whether the Company record has to be created. | |
@CreateContact | bit | Determines whether the Contact record has to be created. | |
@CreateProject | bit | Determines whether the Project record has to be created. | |
@CopyAddtionalFieldsToNewCompany | bit | Determines whether the additional field values have to be copied into the Company record. | |
@CopyAddtionalFieldsToNewContact | bit | Determines whether the additional field values have to be copied into the Contact record. | |
@CopyAddtionalFieldsToNewProject | bit | Determines whether the additional field values have to be copied into the Project record. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The user that will be responsible for all the chages made by this procedure. | |
@CompanyItemGUID OUTPUT | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the created company. | |
@ContactItemGUID OUTPUT | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the created contact. | |
@ProjectItemGUID OUTPUT | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the created project. | |
@DoRecalculationsInQueuedJob | bit | If set to 1, recalculation of lead marketing revenue, project prices and project esitmated work hours is only added to queued jobs. Default value is 0, which means recalculation are executed in this procedure. | |
@DoNotCreateProjectOriginRelation | bit | If set to 1, the PROJECT_ORIGIN relation between the new project and the lead is not created and it is the caller's responsibility to create it. The default value is 0, which means the relation is created. |
Converts workflow model to advanced.
Converts workflow model to basic.
Copies the additional fields' values from the source folder record to the associated target folder record.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SourceObjectTypeID | int | Copied source object type/folder. | |
@TargetObjectTypeID | int | Copying target object type/folder. | |
@SourceItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Copied source item identifier. | |
@TargetItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Copying target item identifier. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Responsible user item identifier. |
Copy additional field combox value to additional field textbox on given module and item.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of item. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | FolderName of item. | |
@ComboBoxAdditionalField | varchar (10) | Name of af column type of combobox (1) eg. af_86. | |
@TextBoxAdditionalField | varchar (10) | Name of af column type of textbox (0) eg. af_86. | |
@LanguageCode | nvarchar (256) | Column of EnumValues that is source for textbox value. Default is en. |
Copies group assignment (GROUP relations) from the specified source group to the given target group. If specified, only relations to a given module are copied.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SourceGroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | The source group ItemGUID. | |
@TargetGroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | The target group ItemGUID. | |
@CopyAssignmentOfFolderOnly | nvarchar (256) | If not null, only assignment of the items of this folder will be copied. | |
@CreatorGUID | uniqueidentifier | User which will be set as the creator guid. | |
@ReplaceRelatedItems | bit | If 1, the existing group relations (to the given folder) are removed first. The items in the group will be replaced. |
Copy user's view used in grid for another users. Does not update existing views, but is possible overwrite this default behaviour.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ViewName | nvarchar (255) | The view name. | |
@ModuleName | nvarchar (255) | The module name. | |
@FromUserName | nvarchar (256) | The user name of the user to copy view from. | |
@ToUserNames | nvarchar (1000) | The user name of the user to copy view to (comma separated list). | |
@OverwriteTargetView | bit | Value indicating whether can be view overwriten. | |
@FromUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user to copy view from. | |
@ToUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user to copy view to. |
When the sale price of the good changes, recalculates correctly the individual discount records.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@GoodItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Product unique identifier. | |
@SalePrice | decimal (18, 3) | Sale price unique identifier. | |
@PreviousSalePrice | decimal (18, 3) | Original sale price identifier. | |
@CurrencyGUID | uniqueidentifier | Currency unique identifier. | |
@PreviousCurrencyGUID | uniqueidentifier | Original currency unique identifier. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who modified the item. |
Creates additional field column.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FieldID | int | Additional field ID. | |
@FieldType | int | Additional field type. | |
@ObjectTypeID | tinyint | Additional field object type ID. |
Creates new API user.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserName | nvarchar (100) | New user name. | |
@Password | varchar (2000) | New user password. |
Creates document copy.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SourceItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Source document GUID. | |
@SourceRevision | int | Source document revision. | |
@DestinationItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Destination document GUID. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the user. |
Creates Calendar item with relations. Subject is generated from given subject and superior item information.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Subject | nvarchar (256) | Calendar subject. | |
@OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | Calendar owner unique identifier. Gets Admin unique identifier if supplied value is null. | |
@SuperiorItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Calendar superior item unique identifier. | |
@SuperiorItemFolder | nvarchar (256) | Calendar superior item folder name. | |
@CalendarGUID | uniqueidentifier | Calendar unique identifier. Generates new unique identifier if supplied value is null. | |
@Location | nvarchar (256) | Calendar appointment location. | |
@StartDate | datetime | Calendar start date. Gets actual date and time if supplied value is null. | |
@EndDate | datetime | Calendar end date. Gets actual date and time if supplied value is null. | |
@AllDayEvent | bit | Value indicating whether is calendar all day event. | |
@Note | nvarchar (max) | Calendar body. | |
@Sensitivity | int | Calendar sensitivity. | |
@BusyStatus | int | Calendar busy status. | |
@UseSubjectPrefix | bit | True to add superior item name as prefix to the subject. |
Creates categories (groups) from specified list of categories.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@CatgoriesList | nvarchar (max) | List of categories. | |
@Delimiter | char (1) | Category name delimiter. |
Creates new category group.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@GUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of the group. | |
@GroupName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the group. | |
@Description | nvarchar (256) | Description of the group. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of author. |
Creates new record in EWE_ClientVersions table.
Creates CLR procedures.
Create currency exchange rate.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@From | datetime | Date from. | |
@To | datetime | Date to. | |
@InputCurrency | varchar (3) | Input currency. | |
@OutputCurrency | varchar (3) | Output currency. | |
@Rate | float (53, 0) | Rate. |
Creates new drirectory.
Create or Update EnumType and EnumValues.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EnumTypeName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the enum. | |
@EnumTypeFileAs | nvarchar (256) | Short description of the enum. | |
@EnumValuesXML | xml (max) | Enum values specified as XML. <EnumValues> <EnumValue itemGUID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" rank="1" fileAs="" en="English1" cs="Česky1" de="Deutsch1" ru="Русский1" sk="Slovensky1" no="Norsk1"/> <EnumValue itemGUID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" rank="3" fileAs="" isSystem="1" visible="1" default="1" en="English2" cs="Česky2" de="Deutsch2" ru="Русский2" sk="Slovensky2" no="Norsk2"/> <EnumValue itemGUID="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" rank="2" fileAs="" includeInLastActivityCalculation="0" isCompletedState="0" isLostState="0" en="English3" cs="Česky3" de="Deutsch3" ru="Русский3" sk="Slovensky3" no="Norsk3"/> </EnumValues> GUIDs and ranks are not mandatory: <EnumValues> <EnumValue fileAs="" en="English1" cs="Česky1" de="Deutsch1" ru="Русский1" sk="Slovensky1" no="Norsk1"/> <EnumValue fileAs="" isSystem="1" visible="1" default="1" en="English2" cs="Česky2" de="Deutsch2" ru="Русский2" sk="Slovensky2" no="Norsk2"/> <EnumValue fileAs="" includeInLastActivityCalculation="0" isCompletedState="0" isLostState="0" en="English3" cs="Česky3" de="Deutsch3" ru="Русский3" sk="Slovensky3" no="Norsk3"/> </EnumValues> . | |
@IsSystem | bit | True to make the enum system. | |
@AllowEditVisibility | bit | True to allow users edit visibility of the enumeration values. | |
@AllowEditLastActivity | bit | True to allow users edit if an enum value is included in the last activity calculation. | |
@RequireDefaultValue | bit | True to require default value. | |
@NewEnumTypeGUID | uniqueidentifier | If EnumType with name @EnumTypeName does not exist, use this value as GUID. |
Create EnumValuesRelation record.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the target item. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Folder name of the target item. | |
@EnumValueGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the enum value. |
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SourceItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ||
@SourceRevision | int | ||
@DestinationItemGUID | uniqueidentifier |
Creates new global setting.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SettingsName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the global setting. It should not contain spaces. | |
@SettingsValue | nvarchar (256) | Value of the global setting. | |
@SettingsType | tinyint | Type of the global setting. 0: String, 1: Bit, 2: Integer, 3: Float, 4: MultiString, 5: ComboBox, 6: CheckedComboBox, 7: GroupsCheckedComboBox, 8: LastActivityCheckedComboBox, 9: TimeInterval. | |
@SettingsCategoryName | nvarchar (256) | Global setting category. Available categories: Carts, Companies, Company details, Contacts, Documents, Emails, Goals, Goods, Journal, Leads, Mailings, Main, Marketing, Others, PhoneList, Projects, Responses, Tasks, Users, Vacation, WorkReports). | |
@en | nvarchar (256) | English translation. | |
@cs | nvarchar (256) | Czech translation. | |
@de | nvarchar (256) | German translation. | |
@ru | nvarchar (256) | Russian translation. | |
@sk | nvarchar (256) | Slovak translation. | |
@no | nvarchar (256) | Norwegian translation. | |
@SettingsVisible | bit | True to make global setting visible in admin app. | |
@IsLegacy | bit | True to mark global setting legacy. | |
@SettingsAvailableValues | nvarchar (max) | Available values in the following format: {0=ValueATranslationKey}{1=ValueBTranslationKey}{2=ValueCTranslationKey}. | |
@MinValue | int | Minimum value for number types. | |
@MaxValue | int | Maximum value for number types. |
Creates new group.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@GroupName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the group. | |
@ResponsibilityDescription | nvarchar (256) | Short description of the group. | |
@IsRole | bit | Mark group as role. | |
@IsCategory | bit | Mark group as category. | |
@IsOutlookCategory | bit | Mark group as Outlook category. |
Creates journal entry.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of related item. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of author of modification. | |
@ObjectType | tinyint | TINYINT type of related item. | |
@FileAs | nvarchar (256) | FileAS for new journal entry. | |
@NewValue | nvarchar (256) | New value as NVARCHAR(256) if some field was changed. | |
@OldValue | nvarchar (256) | Old value as NVARCHAR(256) if some field was changed. | |
@IsSystem | bit | Mark journal as system journal. | |
@ChangedField | nvarchar (256) | Name for field with @OldValue and @NewValue. | |
@Note | nvarchar (max) | Note for new journal entry. | |
@TypeEn | uniqueidentifier | Type of new journal entry. | |
@ImportanceEn | uniqueidentifier | Importance for new journal entry. | |
@EventStart | datetime | Event start for new journal entry. | |
@EventEnd | datetime | Event end for new journal entry. | |
@NewJournalGUID OUTPUT | uniqueidentifier | GUID of new journal entry as OUTPUT parameter. |
Creates or updates layout.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Name | nvarchar (32) | Name of the layout. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Folder name of the layout. | |
@Definition | nvarchar (max) | XML definition of the layout. | |
@System | bit | True to make the layout not editable for user. | |
@Default | bit | True to make the layout a default layout. | |
@LayoutsModels | xml (max) | Additional bindings for EWD_LayoutsModels. Example: <LayoutsModels> <ItemType fileAs="Commission"/> <Group fileAs="System"/> </LayoutsModels> . |
Creates new marketing list source.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the marketing list source. | |
@Definition | nvarchar (max) | List source definition. | |
@en | nvarchar (256) | English description. | |
@cs | nvarchar (256) | Czech description. | |
@de | nvarchar (256) | German description. | |
@ru | nvarchar (256) | Russian description. | |
@sk | nvarchar (256) | Slovak description. | |
@no | nvarchar (256) | Norwegian description. |
Creates missing workflow history items, based on current PrevStateEn and StateEn values.
Creates new additional field with column and record in AdditionalFields table.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FieldName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the field. | |
@FieldModuleName | nvarchar (256) | Folder name of the module (eg. Projects). | |
@FieldType | int | Type of the field. 0: TextBox, 1: ComboBox, 2: NumericBox, 3: Relation, 4: CheckBox, 5: LinkTextBox, 6: DateEdit, 7: MemoBox, 8: MultiSelectComboBox. | |
@PermissionLevel | tinyint | System group permission. 0: None, 1: All, 2: Own, 3: Readonly, 4: Invisible. | |
@MandatoryLevel | tinyint | System group mandatory level. 0: None, 1: Mandatory, 2: Optional, 3: Unique. | |
@FieldData | nvarchar (max) | Extra field data. For Relation type it should contain information about related folder '{RelatedTable=FolderName}'. | |
@FieldComment | nvarchar (256) | Comment displayed as tooltip. | |
@EnumValuesXML | xml (max) | For ComboBox and MultiSelectComboBox enum data may be specified as XML. <EnumValues> <EnumValue en="en1" cs="cs1" de="de1" ru="ru1" sk="sk1" no="no1" rank="1" /> <EnumValue en="en2" cs="cs2" de="de2" ru="ru2" sk="sk2" no="no2" rank="2" /> </EnumValues> . | |
@DisplayInGeneralSection | bit | True to display additional field in the General section (legacy) in eWay-CRM Desktop. | |
@Category | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item category in EnumValues. | |
@FieldID | smallint | Field number. |
Creates new occurrence of recurring task.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@TaskGUID | uniqueidentifier | Recurring task unique identifier. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | Unique identifier of user who completed task. |
Create or Update EWF_Models and state transitions.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ModelGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of Model. | |
@EnumTypeGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the enumeration with corresponding workflow statuses. | |
@ModelFileAs | nvarchar (256) | Text description of the record. | |
@ParentType | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the enum value which represents a type of the item. | |
@IsSystem | bit | Determines whether the item is system model. | |
@IsUsingFlows | bit | Value indicating whether is workflow using flows or not. | |
@AllowEditItems | bit | Indicates whether users can edit workflow statuses and flows. | |
@FlowsXML | xml (max) | XML with possible State transitions <Flows> <Flow itemGUID="<GUID used for new transitions>" parent="<parent status name (FileAs)>" child="<child status name (FileAs)>" roundtrip="1" /> <Flow parent="<parent status name (FileAs)>" child="<child status name (FileAs)>" roundtrip="0" /> </Flows> . |
Create email body for activity email notification.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@NewItemFolderName | nvarchar (50) | Folder name of new activity item. | |
@NewItemId | uniqueidentifier | Guid of new activity item. | |
@ParentFolderName | nvarchar (50) | Folder name of parent item. | |
@ParentItemId | uniqueidentifier | Guid of parent item. | |
@Text OUTPUT | nvarchar (max) | Output text. |
Creates a team member. Procedure is deprected. Use eWaySP_AssingUserTeamRole instead. Pay attention to the order of the parameters, it is different.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | The project unique identifier. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The user unique identifier. | |
@RoleGUID | uniqueidentifier | The role unique identifier. |
Create new relation in the system.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID1 | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the parent item (eg. Project). | |
@FolderName1 | varchar (50) | Folder name of the parent item. | |
@ItemGUID2 | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the child item (eg. Document). | |
@FolderName2 | varchar (50) | Folder name of the child item. | |
@RelationType | varchar (256) | Type of the relation. | |
@SetDirection | bit | 1 for 1:N relation otherwise 0. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the user who creates the relation. | |
@DeleteGeneralRelation | bit | When creating 1:N relation the GENERAL relation will be removed when the parameter is set to 1. | |
@ReplaceRelation | bit | When creating 1:N relation, existing 1:N relation to previous parent will be removed. |
Create new relation in the system.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@pGUID_Admin | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the user who creates the relation. Admin GUID is used by default. | |
@pGUID_Item1 | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the parent item (eg. Project). | |
@pOT_Item1 | tinyint | ObjectTypeID of the parent item. | |
@pGUID_Item2 | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the child item (eg. Document). | |
@pOT_Item2 | tinyint | ObjectTypeID of the child item. | |
@pRelationType | nvarchar (256) | Type of the relation. | |
@pOT_RelData | tinyint | Deprecated. ObjectTypeID of the table RelationData. | |
@pOT_ObjRel | tinyint | Deprecated. ObjectTypeID of the table Relations. | |
@pSetDirection | bit | 1 for 1:N relation otherwise 0. | |
@pRelationDataGUID OUTPUT | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the RelationData used to create the relation. | |
@pDeleteGeneralRelation | bit | When creating 1:N relation the GENERAL relation will be removed when the parameter is set to 1. | |
@pReplaceRelation | bit | When creating 1:N relation, existing 1:N relation to previous parent will be removed. | |
@pRelationTypeID | smallint | Relation type ID. |
Create relations specified by parameters.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@RelatedItems | table type (max) | Identifiers of items to be related. | |
@RelationType | nvarchar (256) | RelationType eg. GENERAL. | |
@SetDirection | bit | Determines whether relation is oriented. | |
@DateTimeOfImport | datetimeoffset | This value is used for ...Created/Changed columns in created records. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | This value is used for ...CreatedBy/ModifiedBy/OwnerGUID columns in records. | |
@Verbose | bit | Print counts of inserted rows in touched tables. |
Creates relations between specified item and emails by email address.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | The item unique identifier. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | The item folder name. | |
@EmailAddress | nvarchar (256) | The email address. |
Creates general relation between specified item and it's new owner. It should be called from trigger for all folders.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | The item unique identifier. | |
@OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | The new owner unique identifier. | |
@OwnerGUID_Previous | uniqueidentifier | The previous owner unique identifier. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | The folder name. |
Creates or updates report.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ReportName | nvarchar (256) | Internal name of the report (eg. Att_Attendance). | |
@ReportFileAs | nvarchar (256) | Short description of the report. | |
@ReportDescription | nvarchar (256) | Long description of the report. | |
@ReportCategoryName | nvarchar (256) | Report category name (Available categories: Time Sheets, Companies, Contacts, Documents, Marketing, Projects, Salaries, Users). | |
@ReportDefinition | nvarchar (max) | Report definition (RDL). |
Create revision history item.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@DocumentGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the document. | |
@Revision | int | Revision number. | |
@CreatedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the user who created the document. | |
@FileAs | nvarchar (256) | Name of the document. | |
@FileSize | bigint | File size of the document. | |
@FileCreationTime | datetime | Creation time of the document. | |
@FileLastWriteTime | datetime | Last write time of the document. |
Creates new session.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the logged user. | |
@ClientVersion | nvarchar (50) | Name and version of the client application. | |
@UserHostAddress | varchar (45) | IP host address of the remote client. | |
@UserHostId | varchar (50) | Unique identification of the remote client. | |
@Success | bit | Value indicating whether was log in successful. | |
@CommunicatedUserHostAddress | varchar (45) | DEPRECATED: Pass NULL. IP host address which the client claims to be using (created for WCF IP retransmitting). | |
@UserHostName | varchar (200) | Name of the host. | |
@TimeZone | nvarchar (32) | Time zone identifier of the client. | |
@IsFullSync | bit | Indicates whether the client runs full sync. | |
@ProxyAddress | varchar (45) | Proxy address provided during login. |
Creates or updates SQL object.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SqlObjectName | nvarchar (256) | SQL Object name. | |
@SqlObjectType | int | Type of SQL Object (2 = View, 3 = Procedure, 4 = Function, 5 = Trigger). | |
@SqlScript | nvarchar (max) | SQL object CREATE script. | |
@ServerExecute | bit | True to execute the CREATE script on the server also, to have the same object on server and local databases. | |
@SqlObjectServerName | nvarchar (256) | SQL Object name used on server side. |
Creates Task item with relations. Subject is generated from given subject and superior item information.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@TaskSubject | nvarchar (256) | Task subject. | |
@DelegatorGUID | uniqueidentifier | Task delegator unique identifier. | |
@SolverGUID | uniqueidentifier | Task solver unique identifier. | |
@SuperiorItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Task superior item unique identifier. | |
@SuperiorItemFolder | nvarchar (256) | Task superior item folder name. | |
@TaskGUID | uniqueidentifier | Task unique identifier. Generates new unique identifier if supplied value is null. | |
@OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | Task owner unique identifier. Uses Delegator unique identifier if supplied value is null. | |
@DueDate | datetime | Task due date. Gets actual date and time if supplied value is null. | |
@StartDate | datetime | Task start date. Gets actual date and time if supplied value is null. | |
@TaskBody | nvarchar (max) | Task body. | |
@Complete | bit | Task complete. | |
@Importance | int | Task importance - obsolete. | |
@PercentComplete | int | Task completion in percentage - obsolete. | |
@Status | int | Task status. | |
@Level | int | Task level. | |
@RTFBody | ntext | Task rich text formated body (no longer supported, the value is ignored). | |
@ImportanceGUID | uniqueidentifier | Task importance. | |
@PercentCompleteDecimal | decimal (5, 4) | Task completion in percentage. | |
@TypeGUID | uniqueidentifier | Task type identifier. | |
@CompanyGUID | uniqueidentifier | Task related Company identifier. | |
@ContactGUID | uniqueidentifier | Task related Contact identifier. | |
@ReminderDate | datetime | Task reminder date and time. | |
@SendNotification | bit | Defines if the notification about new task will be sent. |
Procedure for generating a string value that will not violate unique constraint on the given column in the given table. Procedure returns either the wanted value if it does not equal to a value in the table, or the wanted value with appended counter in brackets. Example of usage: EXEC [dbo].[eWaySP_CreateUniqueEntry] 'Installation', 'EWD_Projects', 'ProjectName', @UniqueValue = @ProjectName OUTPUT. Returns 'Installation' or 'Installation (2)' and so on.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@WantedValue | nvarchar (256) | The value we want to insert into the table to the column. | |
@TableName | nvarchar (256) | The table the entry is supposed to be inserted into. | |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (256) | The column the entry is supposed to be inserted into. | |
@UniqueValue OUTPUT | nvarchar (256) | The ouptut of this procedure. | |
@SkipIfNotUniqueColumnPermission | bit | If 1, the procedure check whether there is column permission UNIQUE set to the column of the table/folder. If not, the @WantedValue is returned without making it unique. |
Creates or updates EWD_UserSettings.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Item GUID. | |
@Name | nvarchar (64) | Name. | |
@Value | nvarchar (max) | Value. | |
@Path | nvarchar (256) | Path. | |
@FileAs | nvarchar (256) | Text description of the record. |
Creates or Updates EWD_Actions.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ActionGUID | uniqueidentifier | Action GUID. | |
@ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ObjectTypeID of the module where the action is applied - for actions that are not part of a workflow. | |
@Xml | nvarchar (max) | XML definition of the action. | |
@FileAs | nvarchar (256) | Text description of the action. | |
@FlowGUID | uniqueidentifier | dbo.EWF_Flows.ItemGUIDItem identificator of flow. | |
@StatusGUID | uniqueidentifier | dbo.EWD_EnumValues.ItemGUIDUnique identifier of workflow status which triggers the action. |
Create workflow history item in EWF_History, check states in workflow and referenced item.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of item with state change. | |
@ItemFolder | nvarchar (256) | Folder name of item with state change. | |
@PrevStateEn | uniqueidentifier | Previous state guid. | |
@NewStateEn | uniqueidentifier | New state guid. |
Creates workflow model.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ModelEnumTypeName | nvarchar (256) | Enumeration identifier. | |
@ModelParentType | uniqueidentifier | Parent type unique identifier. | |
@ModelEnumType OUTPUT | uniqueidentifier | Created model type unique identifier. | |
@Model OUTPUT | uniqueidentifier | Created model unique identifier. |
Creates or updates XsltTransformation.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Name | nvarchar (256) | Name. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Folder name. | |
@LangCode | nvarchar (2) | Two letter language code. | |
@Namespace | nvarchar (128) | XML namespace. | |
@Definition | nvarchar (max) | Definition. | |
@TransformationVersion | int | Historical Proposals have version = 1, default is 2. | |
@DuplicateToOtherLanguages | bit | Set to 1 if you want to copy the same definition to other languages. | |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Fill GUID if you need to use the same identifier across multiple databases. |
Disables the (OA|MA|WA) mobile access flag for the earliest logged users excluding admin, wa agent and the deactivated users.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Count | int | Number of allowed X-access users. | |
@AccessType | nchar (2) | Type of access: OA/MA/WA. |
Deactivates contacts synchronization by role.
Defragments indexes.
Deletes the specified bookkeeping record from the system.
Works as after save trigger for ColumnPermissions filtered by action criteria so that only default=redundant column permissions are triggered. This procedure deletes them if they are not protected.
Delete document with all it's revisions.
Delete duplicated 1 to N relations.
Deletes all entries in set of products related to specified product.
Deletes individual discounts.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@CompanyGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the company. | |
@GoodsGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the product. |
Delete eWay item from database with related relations.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of item to delete. | |
@ItemOT | tinyint | Object type ID of item to delete. | |
@ItemFolderName | nvarchar (50) | Folder name of item to delete. | |
@UseItemChanges | bit | For insert row into EWD_ItemChanges for delete set to 1 (default is 1). | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of user that deleted item. | |
@FileAs | nvarchar (1280) | File as for row in EWD_ItemChanges. | |
@ItemVersion | int | ItemVersion for row in EWD_ItemChanges (deprecated, the value is ignored). | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | The same meaning as @ItemFolderName, but this parameter has better name for common development. |
Delete Marketing with all connected records in MarketingList and Journals.
Works as after save trigger for ModulePermissions filtered by action criteria so that only default=redundant module permissions are triggered. This procedure deletes them if they are not protected.
Deletes old records from EWD_LoginHistory table.
Deletes old items in the EWD_ItemChanges table.
Deletes relation.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID1 | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the first item. | |
@ItemGUID2 | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the second item. | |
@RelationType | varchar (256) | Type of the relation. |
Deletes relation.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@RelationDataGUID | uniqueidentifier | RelationDataGUID identifier. | |
@UseItemChanges | bit | True to insert item into ItemChanges (true by default). | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the user who deleted the relation (admin by default). |
Delete user and all relations on them.
Delete all records related to given UserView.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | ItemGUID of user. | |
@ViewName | nvarchar (255) | Name of deleted UserView. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (255) | Name of module. |
Removes all rows in WebAccess2Options for the given user.
Deletes workflow history records of an item. Used when changing type.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SubjectItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ItemGUID of the item whose workflow history has to be cleared. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | User guid who made the change. |
Delete one specified WF history record.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of relevant item. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | Name of item's folder. | |
@ParentStatusFileAs | nvarchar (256) | FileAs of parent WF state. | |
@ChildStatusFileAs | nvarchar (256) | FileAs of child WF state. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of user who runs the procedure. |
Drops table column related to additional field.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ObjectTypeID | int | The object type identifier. | |
@FieldID | smallint | The additional field identifier. |
Drops default constraint on specified column.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@TableName | nvarchar (128) | The table name. | |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (128) | The column name. |
Drops function if exists.
Drops procedure if exists.
Drops view if exists.
Duplicates and overwrites column permissions of the target group by the data from the source group.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SourceGroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | The source group GUID. | |
@TargetGroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | The target group GUID. | |
@TakeOnlyObjectTypeID | tinyint | If specified, only column permissions related to the specified object type (folder name) are copied. | |
@CreatorGUID | uniqueidentifier | The responsible user guid. |
Creates copy of a group and optionally assignes the same items and permissions.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SourceGroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of the group, which is going to be copied. | |
@NewGroupName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the new group. Must be unique - unused within the system. | |
@CreatorGUID | uniqueidentifier | User which will be set as the creator guid. | |
@CopyAssignmentOfAllItems | bit | If 1, relations to all items of all modules will be copied to this group. Aplies only to GROUP relations. | |
@CopyAssignmentOfFolderOnly | nvarchar (256) | If not null, only relations to items of this folder will be copied to this group. Aplies only to GROUP relations. | |
@CopyFlows | bit | If 1, flows assignment will be copied. | |
@CopyModulePermissions | bit | If 1, all module permissions record will be copied. | |
@CopyColumnPermissions | bit | If 1, all column permissions record will be copied. |
This procedure goes thru all actions and looks for the given group name in EWD_Actions.Xml ActionRelevant nodes. All nodes that are found are duplicated with the same completion level and the new group name. This procedure is handy when duplicating a group with all WF settings.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SourceGroupName | nvarchar (256) | The group name taken a source of the duplication. | |
@TargetGroupName | nvarchar (256) | The group name inserted into all new ActionRelevant nodes. | |
@ResponsibleUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The user responsible for the changes. |
Duplicates group items and/or permissions of source group to target group. If specified, only relations to a given module are copied.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SourceGroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | The source group ItemGUID. | |
@TargetGroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | The target group ItemGUID. | |
@CreatorGUID | uniqueidentifier | User which will be set as the creator guid. | |
@CopyAssignmentOfAllItems | bit | If 1, relations to all items of all modules will be copied to this group. Aplies only to GROUP relations. The previously existing GROUP relations will be removed first. This option does not include relations to Flows. | |
@CopyAssignmentOfFolderOnly | nvarchar (256) | If not null, only relations to items of this folder will be copied to this group. Aplies only to GROUP relations. The previously existing GROUP relations will be removed first. | |
@CopyFlows | bit | If 1, flows assignment will be replaced. | |
@CopyModulePermissions | bit | If 1, all and module permissions of the target group will be removed and the permissions of the source group will be copied for this group. | |
@CopyColumnPermissions | bit | If 1, all and column permissions of the target group will be removed and the permissions of the source group will be copied for this group. |
Duplicates and overwrites module permissions of the target group by the data from the source group.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SourceGroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | The source group GUID. | |
@TargetGroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | The target group GUID. | |
@CreatorGUID | uniqueidentifier | The responsible user guid. |
Duplicate template for xsl transformation from given language to other languages.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the source tamplate to copy. | |
@LangCode | varchar (2) | Language code of source template to copy. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | Folder name of source template to copy. | |
@ForceRewrite | bit | True to replace existing templates (false by default). |
Enables or disables specified SQL Server feature.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FeatureName | nvarchar (256) | The feature name. | |
@Enabled | bit | Value indicating whether will be feature enabled or disabled. |
Creates new enum value.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EnumValueGUID OUTPUT | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the new enum value. | |
@EnumTypeName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the enumeration in which the value will be created. | |
@en | nvarchar (256) | English translation. | |
@cs | nvarchar (256) | Czech translation. | |
@FileAs | nvarchar (256) | Enum value name. | |
@de | nvarchar (256) | German translation. | |
@ru | nvarchar (256) | Russian translation. | |
@sk | nvarchar (256) | Slovakian translation. | |
@no | nvarchar (256) | Norwegian translation. | |
@CheckDuplicity | bit | Check duplicity. | |
@EnumTypeGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the enum type, used when @EnumTypeName is NULL. |
Keeps Rank and FileAs unique when Rank and/or FileAs is being updated using existing rank value. Also keeps only one default enum value. All changes to other enum values do not increment ItemVersion nor insert them into ItemChanges.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Saved enum value item guid. | |
@EnumType | uniqueidentifier | Enum type guid this enum value belongs to. | |
@NewRank | int | New rank set to the enum value within the enum type. | |
@NewFileAs | nvarchar (256) | New name set to the enum value. | |
@NewDefault | bit | New value for the Default flag of the enum value. |
Updates IsCompletedState / IsLostState flags based on GlobalSettings.
Updates LastActivityAttributes and NextStepAttributes based on EnumValues.
Executes jobs that are required for the system. Only for deve purposes.
Executes specified URL and returns HTTP status code.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Url | nvarchar (4000) | Executes specified URL and returns HTTP status code. | |
@Timeout | int | 100000 | Timeout of the request in miliseconds. |
Sets day type enumeration field on work report entry.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@WorkReportGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of work report. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user. |
Fill Last Activity and Next Step fields on Lead, Project, Company and Contact.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ItemGUID of the item. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | FolderName of the item (Leads, Projects, Companies and Contacts). | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ItemGUID of the user who is making the changes. |
Fills Last Activity and Next Step fields on all items.
Updates Last Activity and Next Step fields on parent objects when activity is changed.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ActivityGUID | uniqueidentifier | ItemGUID of the updated activity. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | ItemGUID of the user who has updated the activity. |
Fixes rank of the additional fields.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ObjectTypeID | int | ObjectTypeID of the module which additional fields should be fixed. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the user who is making the change. |
Fixes multiple blank lines in emails note.
Checks and fixes all normalized phone number columns in database.
Fixes relation direction.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FolderName1 | varchar (256) | The folder name of left side of relation. | |
@FolderName2 | varchar (256) | The folder name of right side of relation. | |
@RelationType | varchar (256) | The relation type. | |
@NewDirection | int | New direction. |
Fixed SUPERVISOR relations based on the TeamRoles.
Create foreign key script for specified table.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Action | char (6) | The action to be taken (CREATE / DROP). | |
@Script OUTPUT | nvarchar (max) | The generated script. | |
@ReferencedTable | nvarchar (128) | The referenced table. |
Generates new UniqueID for database.
Gets the number of active users. Additionally, you can add filter on products or exclude one user in the result.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ExcludingUser | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of the user to be excluded. | |
@OutlookAccessActive | bit | The value indicating whether has user access to CRM Desktop client. | |
@WebAccessActive | bit | The value indicating whether has user access to CRM Online client. | |
@MobileAccessActive | bit | The value indicating whether has user access to CRM Mobile client. |
Gets the value stored in specified additional field.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of the item to read value from. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | The folder identifier of the item to read value from. | |
@FieldName | nvarchar (256) | The name of additional field. | |
@Value OUTPUT | sql_variant | The value of additional field. |
Gets the email address of administrator.
Gets all Pohoda accounting units identifiers used for synchronization.
Returns cart VAT taxes by VAT rates.
Get the work reports, which are duplicate in manner of time overlapping.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The tested user. | |
@ExcludeItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | The work report, which will be excluded from the list. Usually the tested one. Can be null. | |
@From | smalldatetime | Date and time of start. | |
@To | smalldatetime | Date and time of end. |
Yields distinct set of columns and their object types that are affected by a column permission restriction.
Gets WebService Tasks owned by specified user.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | User unique identifier. | |
@TaskGUID | uniqueidentifier | Task unique identifier. |
Gets referenced table name and column name by given foreign key name.
Gets list of foreign keys on the current database.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ReferencedFolderName | nvarchar (256) | Folder name to which all the foreign keys suppose to point. Specify either table name or folder name. | |
@ReferencedTableName | nvarchar (256) | DB table name to which all the foreign keys suppose to point. Specify either table name or folder name. |
Returns identifiers of user groups.
Gets items from EWD_ItemChanges table.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@LastChange | bigint | First item to be returned. | |
@MaxLastChange | bigint | Maximum change id of the item to be returned. |
Gets additional field INT value.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the item. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | Folder name of the item. | |
@FieldName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the field. | |
@Value OUTPUT | int | Value of the field as output. |
Gets history of changes related to specific item.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Item unique identifier. | |
@ObjectTypeID | tinyint | Item folder object type identifier. |
Gets count of ItemChanges records of certain object type within the given interval.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@LastChange | bigint | Minimal considered change id - exclusive. | |
@MaxLastChange | bigint | Maximal considered change id - inclusive. | |
@ObjectTypeID1 | tinyint | Counted object type nr. 1. | |
@ObjectTypeID2 | tinyint | Counted object type nr. 2. | |
@ObjectTypeID3 | tinyint | Counted object type nr. 3. | |
@ObjectTypeID4 | tinyint | Counted object type nr. 4. | |
@ObjectTypeID5 | tinyint | Counted object type nr. 5. | |
@ObjectTypeID6 | tinyint | Counted object type nr. 6. | |
@ObjectTypeID7 | tinyint | Counted object type nr. 7. | |
@ObjectTypeID8 | tinyint | Counted object type nr. 8. |
Gets last ChangeID from EWD_ItemChanges.
Gets items (guid, folder name) that have to be deleted as a consequence of the incomming deletion of the given item. For example. before deleting a general item, all its relations and relation data have to be deleted first.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@BeingRemovedItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ItemGUID of the item that is going to be removed. | |
@BeingRemovedItemFolderName | nvarchar (255) | Containing folder name of the item that is going to be removed. |
Gets items which are affected by relation change or deletion. The affected items are the items which uses the relations for generating foreign keys from 1:N relations. Returns only itemguids of the affected items.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@LastChange | bigint | Minimal considered change id - exclusive. | |
@MaxLastChange | bigint | Maximal considered change id - inclusive. | |
@ObjectTypeID | tinyint | The desired affected items folder identifier or null if all results have to be taken. |
Searches for SQL objects that contain specified keyword.
Gets last changed items from specified folder.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FoldeName | nvarchar (256) | Folder name. | |
@DateFrom | datetimeoffset | Get changes starting from the specified date (optional). | |
@DaysBefore | int | Get changes starting by specified number of days back from now (optional). |
Gets latest document revision from database.
Gets list of supported data providers using sp_MSset_oledb_prop system procedure.
Gets the rank value for new additional field.
Gets additional field NVARCHAR value.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the item. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | Folder name of the item. | |
@FieldName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the field. | |
@Value OUTPUT | nvarchar (max) | Value of the field as output. |
Gets count of the ItemChanges records which may change the given user's permissions.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@LastChange | bigint | Minimal considered change id - exclusive. | |
@MaxLastChange | bigint | Maximal considered change id - inclusive. | |
@UserItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | The user, whose permissions we test. |
Gets columns info of a specified table in the database. If the @TableName parameter is not supplied or it's null, columns of all the folder tables are returned.
Gets changes of the unified relations.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@LastChange | bigint | Last change ID. It will return changes bigger than the provided value. | |
@MaxLastChange | bigint | Max change ID to get including the provided value. |
Gets referenced table name and column name by given unique index name.
Gets only the identifiers of the M:N and AF unified relations of the specified modules.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ObjectTypeID1 | tinyint | Object type ID of the first relation part. | |
@ObjectTypeID2_1 | tinyint | First object type ID of the second relation part. | |
@ObjectTypeID2_2 | tinyint | Secord object type ID of the second relation part. | |
@ObjectTypeID2_3 | tinyint | Third object type ID of the second relation part. | |
@ObjectTypeID2_4 | tinyint | Fourth object type ID of the second relation part. | |
@ObjectTypeID2_5 | tinyint | Fifth object type ID of the second relation part. |
Gets user ItemGUID, password hash and username.
Gets user last login time.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the user. | |
@ClientType | tinyint | Client type ID. |
Get list of user views of a specified user.
Gets user names with values indicating whether has user access to Outlook client, online client and mobile clients.
Gets blocked client versions.
Sets visibility on specified Global Setting.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Name | nvarchar (256) | Global Setting name. | |
@Visible | bit | Value indicating whether will be setting visible. |
Creates GENERAL relation between project and cart.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@GoodsInCartGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of GoodsInCart item. | |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the project / lead. | |
@ProjectObjectTypeID | tinyint | ObjectTypeID of project or lead. |
Updates PriceTotal column of GoodsInCart record.
Removes all items having foreign key pointing to the specified group. This proc should ba called before removing group record. This proc should be run in transaction.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | The group guid. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The responsible user guid. |
Updates group names in global settings.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@GroupName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the group. | |
@PrevGroupName | nvarchar (256) | Previous name of the group. |
Checks whether BinaryData record for the specified document or email exists. If not, raises an error. If the record exists, does nothing. In case of Documents folder, the proc also checks the revision history record. This proces is ment to be an after save trigger.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ItemGUID of the uploaded document or email. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (32) | Folder name of the uploaded item module. |
Used by CheckStatus WebService method to check whether WebServicePath is correct.
Before save trigger for checking column permissions integrity and disallowing invalid configurations.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | The saved column permission record itemguid. | |
@ObjectTypeID | tinyint | The saved column permission folder object type id. | |
@GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | The saved column permission group guid. | |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (256) | The saved column permission column name. | |
@Type | tinyint | The saved column permission permission type rule. | |
@Mandatory | tinyint | The saved column permission mandatory rule. | |
@IsTypeEditable | bit | True to allow user change the permission type rule. | |
@IsMandatoryEditable | bit | True to allow user change the permission mandatory rule. |
Check event start date on journal that is being created, if conforms to 'GetJournalFirstAcceptableDate' limit.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@JournalGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of journal. | |
@JournalType | uniqueidentifier | Journal type. | |
@EventStart | datetime | Date of event start. |
Raises error if trying to create DEFAULT_GROUP relation when no GROUP relation present. Raises also error if trying to remove GROUP relation when there still is DEFAULT_GROUP relation present.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | Group guid. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | User guid. | |
@Mode | tinyint | 0 - creating DEFAULT_GROUP: checks GROUP presence; 1 - removing GROUP: check no DEFAULT_GROUP. |
Tests database for duplicated relations.
Checks duplicated values in given column or by given relation type.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (256) | Column name to be checked. | |
@ObjectTypeID | tinyint | Id of object type to be checked. |
Force password change for expired passwords.
Before save trigger for checking module permissions integrity and disallowing invalid changes.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | ModulePermissions record itemguid. | |
@IsSystem | bit | IsSystem column of the saved item. Can be null if is not inteded to be changed. | |
@ObjectTypeID | tinyint | The saved module permission folder object type id. | |
@GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | The saved module permission group guid. |
Tests database for relations between non-existing items.
Inserts new record int EWD_History table.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the modified item. | |
@ObjectTypeID | tinyint | ObjectType ID of the modified item. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the user who updated the record. | |
@ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | Date and time when the record has been updated in the local database. | |
@ServerItemChanged | datetimeoffset | Date and time when the record was updated on the server. | |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (128) | Name of changed column. | |
@ClientVersion | nvarchar (128) | Client version. | |
@PrevValueVarChar | nvarchar (max) | Previous VarChar value. | |
@NewValueVarChar | nvarchar (max) | New VarChar value. | |
@PrevValueVarCharMax | nvarchar (max) | Previous VarCharMax value. | |
@NewValueVarCharMax | nvarchar (max) | New VarCharMax value. | |
@PrevValueBit | bit | Previous Bit value. | |
@NewValueBit | bit | New Bit value. | |
@PrevValueInt | int | Previous Int value. | |
@NewValueInt | int | New Int value. | |
@PrevValueBigInt | bigint | Previous BigInt value. | |
@NewValueBigInt | bigint | New BigInt value. | |
@PrevValueDecimal | decimal (19, 4) | Previous Decimal value. | |
@NewValueDecimal | decimal (19, 4) | New Decimal value. | |
@PrevValueDateTime | datetime | Previous DateTime value. | |
@NewValueDateTime | datetime | New DateTime value. | |
@PrevValueGUID | uniqueidentifier | Previous GUID value. | |
@NewValueGUID | uniqueidentifier | New GUID value. | |
@PrevValueVarBinary | varbinary (max) | Previous VarBinary value. | |
@NewValueVarBinary | varbinary (max) | New VarBinary value. | |
@SID | uniqueidentifier | Session ID. |
Inserts updated or removed item into the EWD_ItemChanges table.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the item. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | Folder name of the item. | |
@Removed | bit | 1 if the item has been removed, otherwise 0. | |
@ItemCreated | datetimeoffset | Time of the change, by default it is the same as Server_ItemChanged of the item. | |
@FileAs | nvarchar (1280) | FileAs of the item. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the user who has issued the update. | |
@ItemVersion | int | Item version of the item. |
Inserts new record in EWD_WebServiceTasks table.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@TaskGUID | uniqueidentifier | Item unique identifier. | |
@OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the user who updated the record. | |
@Name | nvarchar (256) | Task name. | |
@Parameters | nvarchar (max) | Task parameters. | |
@ErrorDescription | nvarchar (max) | Error description. | |
@AdditionalData | nvarchar (max) | Additional data as JSON. |
Invalidates old exchange rate records.
Checks whether is email campaign response duplicate.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@JournalResponseId | uniqueidentifier | The journal response unique identififer. | |
@RespondentId | uniqueidentifier | The respondent unique identifier. |
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ProjectAssignmentGUID | uniqueidentifier | ||
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier |
Checks whether a relation is present.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID1 | uniqueidentifier | Identififer of the first item. | |
@ItemGUID2 | uniqueidentifier | Identififer of the second item. | |
@ObjectTypeID1 | tinyint | ID of first object type. | |
@ObjectTypeID2 | tinyint | ID of second object type. | |
@RelationTypeID | smallint | Relation type ID. | |
@DifferDirection | bit | True to use direction. |
Checks if user account is locked.
Checks whether user account is active.
Checks whether specified work commitment is duplicate.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@WorkCommitmentGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the work commitment. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the user. |
Deprecated (use ItemExists function instead). Checks whether specified item exists.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the item. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Folder name of the item. | |
@ObjectTypeID | int | Object type ID of the item. Use when @FolderName is not provided. | |
@ItemExists OUTPUT | bit | Output value indicating whether item exists. |
Notify new owner of lead about lead. Procedure is calling in BeforeSave trigger on Leads.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of created lead. | |
@OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of owner of lead. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of author of modification. | |
@PrevOwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of previous owner of lead. |
Save login history.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | User identifier. | |
@SID | uniqueidentifier | Session identifier. | |
@ClientVersion | nvarchar (50) | Version of client. | |
@UserHostAddress | varchar (45) | IP host address of the remote client. | |
@Successful | bit | Value indicating whether was login successful. | |
@UserHostID | varchar (50) | Unique identification of the remote client. | |
@UserHostName | varchar (200) | Name of the host. | |
@CommunicatedUserHostAddress | varchar (45) | DEPRECATED: Pass NULL. IP host address which the client claims to be using (created for WCF IP retransmitting). | |
@TimeZone | nvarchar (32) | Time zone identifier of the client. | |
@IsFullSync | bit | Indicates whether the client runs full sync. | |
@ProxyAddress | varchar (45) | Proxy address provided during login. |
Makes API request to specified URL.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Url | nvarchar (4000) | Requested URL. | |
@Query | nvarchar (max) | Data of the request. | |
@Method | nvarchar (10) | POST | HTTP method (GET, POST). |
@ContentType | nvarchar (4000) | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | Content type. |
@Authorization | nvarchar (4000) | Authorization header. | |
@Response OUTPUT | nvarchar (max) |
Makes field editable for system group.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Name of the folder. | |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (255) | Name of the column. |
Makes field readonly for system group.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Name of the folder. | |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (255) | Name of the column. |
Sets permission to VIEW for all on System group.
Creates relations between given cart and given project and company. Cart can't be NULL, project or company can be null (means delete this relations). If project is not null: 'CART' relation will be created. If company is not null: 'CUSTOMER' relation will be created. Also previous relation to OTHER project or companies will be replaced.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@CartGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the cart. | |
@NewProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of new project. | |
@NewCompanyGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of new company. |
Marks binary data record as StoredInFileSystem = 1.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the record. | |
@Revision | int | Revision of the record. | |
@FileSystemStorageRelativePath | char (7) | Relative path of the file. |
Sets ID for a new marketing record.
Calculates and updates marketing revenue according to related deals.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ReleatedLeadId | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of related deal. | |
@MarketingId | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of marketing item. | |
@ReleatedLeadPrice | numeric (18, 2) | The price value of related deal. | |
@ReleatedLeadPreviousPrice | numeric (18, 2) | The original price value of related deal before change. | |
@ReleatedLeadState | uniqueidentifier | The state of related deal. | |
@ReleatedLeadPreviousState | uniqueidentifier | The previous state of related deal. | |
@ReleatedLeadRemoving | bit | The value indicating whether relation between deal and marketing is being removed. |
Removes assignements on Item from MarketingList Items.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Item unique identifier. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Item folder name. |
This procedure merges two items into the third. Optional use is to supply target item GUID the same as the first source item GUID. This procedure goes through the folder columns (except system ones) and uses the first not empty value (in order: source1, source2). The "Null or unique" columns specified bellow are filled by the same policy, but the source field is nulled (unique const.) Then this procedure reconnects all the relations of the sources to the target item. The foreign keys are redirected to the target item too.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the folder. | |
@TargetItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the target item. | |
@SourceItemGUID1 | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the first source item. It may be the same as target item so that only relations are merged. | |
@SourceItemGUID2 | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the second source item. |
Adds offset to DateTime values during upgrade.
Adds offset to Server's DateTime values during upgrade.
Modifies additional field type.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FieldID | smallint | Additional field ID. | |
@Type | smallint | New type. Currently only change from TextBox to MemoBox is supported. |
Modify username for user in eWay system.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@OldUserName | nvarchar (100) | Old username. | |
@NewUserName | nvarchar (100) | New username. |
Moves EWD_BinaryData back to PRIMARY file group and removes BINARIES file group.
Moves EWD_BinaryData to separate file group.
Fills the 'Normalized' column for the changed phone number column.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FolderName | nvarchar (64) | Module folder name. | |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (128) | The telephone number column that has been changed. Ex. 'TelephoneNumber1'. | |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Item guid of item that was changed. |
Procedure for sending e-mails about expired deadlines of leads.
Checks the default and parent currency columns in all the DB and notifies about missing exchange rates needed for correct computation of values for this columns.
Procedure for sending e-mails about finishing projects.
Notifies users related to task about task changes.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@TaskGUID | uniqueidentifier | The task unique identifier. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who made changes. | |
@NewSolverGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who is set as new solver. | |
@NewSuperiorItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of item which has been set as new superior item. | |
@NewSuperiorItemObjectTypeID | tinyint | The object type identifier of item which has been set as new superior item. | |
@OldOwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier who was original owner of the task. | |
@OldTypeGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of original task type. | |
@OldStatusGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of original task status. | |
@OldSubject | nvarchar (256) | The original subject of the task. | |
@OldStartDate | datetime | The original start date of the task. | |
@OldDueDate | datetime | The original due date of the task. | |
@OldReminderDate | datetime | The original reminder date of the task. | |
@OldReminder | bit | The original value indicating whether was reminder enabled. | |
@OldImportanceGUID | uniqueidentifier | The original unique identifier of importance of the task. | |
@OldComplete | bit | The original value indicating whether was task completed. | |
@OldPercentCompleteDecimal | decimal (5, 4) | The original percentage of completation of the task. | |
@OldActualWorkHours | decimal (18, 3) | The original worked hours on the task. | |
@OldEstimatedWorkHours | decimal (18, 3) | The original estimated worked hours on the task. | |
@OldNote | nvarchar (max) | The original note of the task. | |
@NewCompanyGUID | uniqueidentifier | The new unique identifier of related company to the task. | |
@NewContactGUID | uniqueidentifier | The new unique identifier of related contact to the task. | |
@Now | datetimeoffset | The current date time value. | |
@NewStatusGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of new status. |
Notify delegators and solvers about tasks.
Notifies user about project team change.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The user unique identifier. | |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | The project unique identifier. | |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | The deal unique identifier. | |
@Removed | bit | The value indicating whether has been someone removed or added to team. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | The user unique identifier who modified the team. |
Notifies users in listed in distribution group about unpaied invoices.
Notify team about new document in project.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@DocumentGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of document. | |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of project. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of modificator. | |
@DocumentItemVersion | int | Version of document item. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of recipient. |
Notify team about new email in project.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EmailGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of email. | |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of project. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of modificator. | |
@EmailItemVersion | int | Version of email item. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of recipient. |
Notify team about new journal in project.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@JournalGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of journal. | |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of project. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of modificator. | |
@JournalItemVersion | int | Version of journal item. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of recipient. |
Notifies users about new document.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@DocumentGUID | uniqueidentifier | The document unique identifier. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who created or modified item. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who receives notification. |
Notifies users about new email.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EmailGUID | uniqueidentifier | The email unique identifier. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who created or modified item. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who receives notification. |
Notifies users about new journal.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@JournalGUID | uniqueidentifier | The journal unique identifier. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who created or modified item. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who receives notification. |
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@DocumentGUID | uniqueidentifier | ||
@CompanyGUID | uniqueidentifier | ||
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | ||
@DocumentItemVersion | int | ||
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier |
Notifies users about new document related to contact.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@DocumentGUID | uniqueidentifier | The document unique identifier. | |
@ContactGUID | uniqueidentifier | The contact unique identifier. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who created or modified item. | |
@DocumentItemVersion | int | The item version of document. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who receives notification. |
Notify team about new document in lead.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@DocumentGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of document. | |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of lead. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of modificator. | |
@DocumentItemVersion | int | Version of document item. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of recipient. |
Notify users about new email in company.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EmailGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of email. | |
@CompanyGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of company. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of modificator. | |
@EmailItemVersion | int | Version of email item. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of recipient. |
Notify users about new email in contact.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EmailGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of email. | |
@ContactGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of contact. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of modificator. | |
@EmailItemVersion | int | Version of email item. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of recipient. |
Notifies users about new email related to deal.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EmailGUID | uniqueidentifier | The email unique identifier. | |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | The deal unique identifier. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who created or modified item. | |
@EmailItemVersion | int | The item version of email. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who receives notification. |
Notifies users about new journal related to company.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@JournalGUID | uniqueidentifier | The journal unique identifier. | |
@CompanyGUID | uniqueidentifier | The company unique identifier. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who created or modified item. | |
@JournalItemVersion | int | The item version of journal. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who receives notification. |
Notifies users about new journal on contact.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@JournalGUID | uniqueidentifier | The journal unique identifier. | |
@ContactGUID | uniqueidentifier | The contact unique identifier. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who created or modified item. | |
@JournalItemVersion | int | The item version of journal. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who receives notification. |
Notify team about updated journal in lead.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@JournalGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of journal. | |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of lead. | |
@CreatedOrModifiedGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of modificator. | |
@JournalItemVersion | int | Version of journal item. | |
@RecipientUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of recipient. |
Notifies users when update finishes.
Notifies users when update finishes.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ContactName | nvarchar (max) | ||
@Prefix OUTPUT | nvarchar (256) | ||
@FirstName OUTPUT | nvarchar (256) | ||
@MiddleName OUTPUT | nvarchar (256) | ||
@LastName OUTPUT | nvarchar (256) | ||
@Suffix OUTPUT | nvarchar (256) |
Notify project manager and group from NotifyAboutInvoicedInvoiceInPohodaGroup global settings about invoiced state of cart.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@CartGUID | uniqueidentifier | The bookkeeping unique identifier. | |
@CartFileAs | nvarchar (256) | The bookkeeping name. | |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | The project unique identifier. | |
@CompanyGUID | uniqueidentifier | The company unique identifier. | |
@NewState | uniqueidentifier | The new workflow status unique identifier. | |
@Changed | datetime | The date when bookkeeping record get changed. |
Process queued jobs from table EWD_QueuedJobs.
Calculates estimated margin and estimated profit on project.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | Project identifier. | |
@EstimatedMargin | decimal (18, 4) | Estimated margin. | |
@EstimatedProfit | decimal (18, 4) | Estimated profit. | |
@EstimatedPrice | decimal (18, 2) | Estimated price. | |
@EstimatedOtherExpenses | decimal (18, 2) | Estimated other expenses. | |
@EstimatedPeopleExpenses | decimal (18, 2) | Estimated people expenses. |
Notify new owner of Project about Project. Procedure is calling in BeforeSave trigger on Projects.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of created Project. | |
@OwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of owner of Project. | |
@ModifiedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of author of modification. | |
@PrevOwnerGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of previous owner of Project. |
Create journal entry for change on project field "Price".
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of project. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of modification author. | |
@Price | decimal (18, 0) | Price new value. | |
@PrevPrice | decimal (18, 0) | Price old value. |
Create journal entry for change on project field "ProjectEnd".
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of project. | |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of modification author. | |
@ProjectEnd | datetime | ProjectEnd new value. | |
@PrevProjectEnd | datetime | ProjectEnd old value. |
Removes project assignments for specified project.
Removes tasks of specified project.
Sets project ID (HID column).
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the database record. | |
@Type | int | Type of the item (0=Lead, 1=Project). |
Updates specified project sumarized data on superior project change.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ProjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | The project unique identifier. | |
@Removing | int | The value indicating whether is being superior project adding or removing. | |
@FirstSlave | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of first child project. |
Replicates relation created / deleted between document, email, journal and good to the good's subgoods when functionality is enabled in global settings.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@IsDeleted | bit | Value indicating whether is being removing or adding. | |
@SuperiorGoodGUID | uniqueidentifier | The superior good unique identifier. | |
@RelatedObjectGUID | uniqueidentifier | The related object unique identifier. | |
@GoodObjectTypeID | tinyint | The good object type identifier. | |
@RelatedObjectObjectTypeID | tinyint | The related item object type identifier. |
Internal procedure for RAISERROR() function. With optional 1-9 parameters to be casted to string automatically.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Message | nvarchar (max) | Messege to be raised with optional "%s" placeholders for parameters 1-9. | |
@Parameter1 | sql_variant | Optional parameter as "%s" replacement in @Message in position 1. | |
@Parameter2 | sql_variant | Optional parameter as "%s" replacement in @Message in position 2. | |
@Parameter3 | sql_variant | Optional parameter as "%s" replacement in @Message in position 3. | |
@Parameter4 | sql_variant | Optional parameter as "%s" replacement in @Message in position 4. | |
@Parameter5 | sql_variant | Optional parameter as "%s" replacement in @Message in position 5. | |
@Parameter6 | sql_variant | Optional parameter as "%s" replacement in @Message in position 6. | |
@Parameter7 | sql_variant | Optional parameter as "%s" replacement in @Message in position 7. | |
@Parameter8 | sql_variant | Optional parameter as "%s" replacement in @Message in position 8. | |
@Parameter9 | sql_variant | Optional parameter as "%s" replacement in @Message in position 9. |
Reads specified attachment data.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | The item unique identifier. | |
@Revision | int | The revision number. | |
@Offset | int | The data offset to read from. | |
@Size | int | The size of data to be read. | |
@Compressed | bit | Value indicating whether is data compressed. |
Reasign tasks with given state from old user to new user.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@OldUserGuid | uniqueidentifier | Guid of old user. | |
@OldUserName | nvarchar (256) | Name of old user. | |
@NewUserGuid | uniqueidentifier | Guid of new user. | |
@NewUserName | nvarchar (256) | Name of new user. |
Delegates the items to a new user.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@OldUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The current (former) owner/solver/assignee, who shall be swapped. | |
@NewUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | The user who is assigned to all the items. | |
@ResponsibleUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | New user identifier. | |
@ItemChanged | datetimeoffset | Date and time used as ItemChanged. | |
@ClientVersion | nvarchar (256) | Client version. | |
@ReassignCompanies | bit | Reassign companies. | |
@ReassignContacts | bit | Reassign contacts. | |
@ReassignActiveProjects | bit | Reassign active projects. | |
@ReassignCompletedProjects | bit | Reassign completed projects. | |
@ReassignDeadProjects | bit | Reassign dead projects. | |
@ReassignActiveLeads | bit | Reassign active leads. | |
@ReassignCompletedLeads | bit | Reassign completed leads. | |
@ReassignDeadLeads | bit | Reassign dead leads. | |
@ReassignActiveTasks | bit | Reassign active tasks. | |
@ReassignCompletedTasks | bit | Reassign completed tasks. | |
@ReassignTaskDelegatorRelationToo | bit | Also change task delegator on tasks. |
Fill goals item of type "Account manager".
Recalculate prices on goals.
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in all modules.
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in table Bonuses.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item to recalculate or NULL to recalculate all items. | |
@ActiveOnly | bit | 1 to recalculate only active items (see GetRecentlyChangedItemsYearLimit). |
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in table Carts.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item to recalculate or NULL to recalculate all items. | |
@ActiveOnly | bit | 1 to recalculate only active items (see GetRecentlyChangedItemsYearLimit). |
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in table Goals.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item to recalculate or NULL to recalculate all items. | |
@ActiveOnly | bit | 1 to recalculate only active items (see GetRecentlyChangedItemsYearLimit). |
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in table Goods.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item to recalculate or NULL to recalculate all items. | |
@ActiveOnly | bit | 1 to recalculate only active items (see GetRecentlyChangedItemsYearLimit). |
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in table GoodsInCart.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item to recalculate or NULL to recalculate all items. | |
@ActiveOnly | bit | 1 to recalculate only active items (see GetRecentlyChangedItemsYearLimit). |
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in table IndividualDiscounts.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item to recalculate or NULL to recalculate all items. | |
@ActiveOnly | bit | 1 to recalculate only active items (see GetRecentlyChangedItemsYearLimit). |
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in table Leads.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item to recalculate or NULL to recalculate all items. | |
@ActiveOnly | bit | 1 to recalculate only active items (see GetRecentlyChangedItemsYearLimit). |
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in table Payments.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item to recalculate or NULL to recalculate all items. | |
@ActiveOnly | bit | 1 to recalculate only active items (see GetRecentlyChangedItemsYearLimit). |
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in table Projects.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item to recalculate or NULL to recalculate all items. | |
@ActiveOnly | bit | 1 to recalculate only active items (see GetRecentlyChangedItemsYearLimit). |
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in table Salaries.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item to recalculate or NULL to recalculate all items. | |
@ActiveOnly | bit | 1 to recalculate only active items (see GetRecentlyChangedItemsYearLimit). |
Checks and updates the default and parent currency columns in table WorkReports.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of item to recalculate or NULL to recalculate all items. | |
@ActiveOnly | bit | 1 to recalculate only active items (see GetRecentlyChangedItemsYearLimit). |
Fill goals item of type "Project manager".
Fill goals item of type "Sales manager".
Raises error with message what caused validation to fail.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FolderName1 | nvarchar (256) | The folder name of left side of relation. | |
@ObjectTypeId1 | int | The object type identifier of left side of relation. | |
@FolderName2 | nvarchar (256) | The folder name of right side of relation. | |
@ObjectTypeId2 | int | The object type identifier of right side of relation. | |
@RelationType | nvarchar (256) | The relation type. | |
@DirectionShouldBeSet | bit | The value indicating whether validation failed due to direction was not set and should be. | |
@IsBadRelationType | bit | The value indicating whether validation failed due to bad type of relation. |
Removes additional field from eWay-CRM.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@AdditionalFieldItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the additional field. | |
@DeletedByGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the user who deleted the additional field. |
Removes attachment from database.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@DocumentGUID | uniqueidentifier | The document unique identifier. | |
@Revision | int | The revision number. |
Removes info about available new version because no new version is available.
Remove category from related items when is removed from company.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@CompanyGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of company with deleted category. | |
@RemoveCategoryGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of deleted category from company. |
Used to remove GENERAL relation when one to many relation is being saved.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID1 | uniqueidentifier | ItemGUID1 of the relation being saved. | |
@ItemGUID2 | uniqueidentifier | ItemGUID2 of the relation being saved. |
Deletes LayoutsModels when related item is deleting.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@RelatedItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Related item identifier. | |
@RelatedItemFolderName | nvarchar (50) | Related item folder name. |
Set NULL calendar related FK records when are not deleted and calendar is going to delete.
Removes individual discounts related to Company before Company is being removed.
Removes items related to Goods in Cart item before it is removed.
Remove Prices, GoodsInSet items related to Good before Good is being removed.
Set foreign key on marketing list to NULL when marketing is removed.
Removes individual discounts related to Price List Group before Price List Group is being removed.
Set foreign key on companies to NULL when SalePrice is removed.
Removes recurrence patterns related to Task before Task is being removed.
Removes items that needs to be removed before UnifiedRelations are removed.
Removes inactive sessions (20 minutes without activity) and sessions older than 1 day.
Remove relations pointing to nonexistent items.
Deletes RevisionHistory and BinaryData.
Removes sessions of specified user.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@UserGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the user. | |
@IgnoreSessionGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the session that will be kept. | |
@IgnoreClientTypePrefix1 | nvarchar (50) | Client type prefix of sessions that will be kept. Optional. Can be null. | |
@IgnoreClientTypePrefix2 | nvarchar (50) | Another client type prefix of sessions that will be kept. Optional. Can be null. | |
@IgnoreClientTypePrefix3 | nvarchar (50) | Another client type prefix of sessions that will be kept. Optional. Can be null. |
Removes BinaryData which is not related to document or email.
Removes specific WebService Task entry from WebServiceTasks table.
Sorts order (Rank) of the enumeration by specified column.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EnumTypeGUID | uniqueidentifier | Enumeration identifier. | |
@OrderByColumnName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the column used for sort. | |
@OrderByDirection | nvarchar (16) | Sort order mode (ASC or DESC). | |
@RankStart | int | Rank initial number. |
Fixed Rank of GoodsInCart.
Reset's admin user password.
Reset some GlobalSetting parameters to default.
Resets default country for the users.
Sets default value on currency columns based on current DefaultCurrency GS.
Deletes professional email account information.
Creates holidays for new year.
Resets synchronization mapping to default.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SynchronizationObjectName | nvarchar (256) | Name of synchronization object to reset mappings on. | |
@SynchronizationField | nvarchar (256) | Field identificator to reset mappings on. |
Creates relation between task and marketing participant.
Restore relations of deleted item.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Name of folder. | |
@DeletedItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of deleted item. | |
@NewItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of new item. | |
@FromDeletedDate | datetimeoffset | Date filter for column DeletedDate. |
Delete project created from lead and map its related items to original lead.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ProjectHID | int | HID of project to be deleted. | |
@NewLeadStateFileAs | nvarchar (256) | FileAs of new state for lead after project is reverted to lead. | |
@CreateNewLeadIfNotExist | bit | True to create new lead when the lead not exists (false by default). |
Saves attachment to database.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | The item unique identifier. | |
@Revision OUTPUT | int | The revision number. | |
@Data | image | The attachment data. | |
@FileSize | bigint | The file size. | |
@Extension | varchar (10) | The file extension. | |
@UploadedSize OUTPUT | bigint | The size of data already uploaded. | |
@CompressedFileSize | bigint | The size of compressed data. | |
@Compressed | bit | Value indicating whether are data compressed. | |
@StoredInFileSystem | bit | Value indicating whether is file stored in file system. | |
@CreatedByGuid | uniqueidentifier | The unique identifier of user who uploaded attachment. | |
@Created | datetimeoffset | Value indicating whether is attachment created. | |
@FileSystemStorageRelativePath | char (7) | The file system storage relative path. |
Sends email to the users on superior item and to all other users assigned to the specified activity.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ActivityGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of activity item. | |
@SuperiorItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Superior item identifier. | |
@BodyText | nvarchar (max) | Notification body. | |
@Subject | nvarchar (255) | Notification subject. | |
@BlackListUserGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of user that will be ignored. | |
@SingleRecipientGUID | uniqueidentifier | If specified, notification will be send only to the specified user. |
Procedure used to send system emails.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@to | nvarchar (4000) | Recipients email addresses separated by comma or semicolon. | |
@text | nvarchar (max) | Text of the email. May contain HTML code. | |
@subj | nvarchar (4000) | Subject of the email. | |
@format | varchar (20) | Ignored. Not used anymore. | |
@cc | nvarchar (4000) | CC recipients email addresses separated by comma or semicolon. | |
@bcc | nvarchar (4000) | BCC recipients email addresses separated by comma or semicolon. | |
@replyTo | nvarchar (4000) | Email address that will be used as a reply address. | |
@sender | nvarchar (4000) | Email address of the sender. | |
@attachments | nvarchar (4000) | XML definition of attachments to include in the message in format: <Attachments><Attachment Name="invoice.pdf" Url="" ContentType="application/pdf" /></Attachments>. |
CLR procedure used to send system emails.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@to | nvarchar (4000) | Recipients email addresses separated by comma or semicolon. | |
@subject | nvarchar (4000) | Subject of the email. | |
@body | nvarchar (max) | Text of the email. May contain HTML code. | |
@async | bit | False | 1 to send emails without waiting for the result. |
@cc | nvarchar (4000) | CC recipients email addresses separated by comma or semicolon. | |
@bcc | nvarchar (4000) | BCC recipients email addresses separated by comma or semicolon. | |
@replyTo | nvarchar (4000) | Email address that will be used as a reply address. | |
@sender | nvarchar (4000) | Email address of the sender. | |
@attachments | nvarchar (4000) | XML definition of attachments to include in the message in format: <Attachments><Attachment Name="invoice.pdf" Url="" ContentType="application/pdf" /></Attachments>. |
CLR procedure used to send emails that does not use default system template.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@to | nvarchar (4000) | Recipients email addresses separated by comma or semicolon. | |
@subject | nvarchar (4000) | Subject of the email. | |
@body | nvarchar (max) | Text of the email. May contain HTML code. | |
@async | bit | False | 1 to send emails without waiting for the result. |
@cc | nvarchar (4000) | CC recipients email addresses separated by comma or semicolon. | |
@bcc | nvarchar (4000) | BCC recipients email addresses separated by comma or semicolon. | |
@replyTo | nvarchar (4000) | Email address that will be used as a reply address. | |
@sender | nvarchar (4000) | Email address of the sender. | |
@attachments | nvarchar (4000) | XML definition of attachments to include in the message in format: <Attachments><Attachment Name="invoice.pdf" Url="" ContentType="application/pdf" /></Attachments>. |
Set additional field value.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of item with additional field to set. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Folder name of item with additional field to set. | |
@FieldName | nvarchar (256) | Name of additional field to set. | |
@Value | sql_variant | New value. | |
@WriteItemChanges | bit | Should be changes written in ItemChanges. |
Set module permissions for Administrator group.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Folder name. | |
@View | varchar (16) | Permissions of module for view records (ALL, INHERITED, RELATED, OWN, GROUP, NONE). | |
@Edit | varchar (16) | Permissions of module for edit records (ALL, INHERITED, RELATED, OWN, GROUP, NONE). | |
@Delete | varchar (16) | Permissions of module for delete records (ALL, INHERITED, RELATED, OWN, GROUP, NONE). | |
@Create | varchar (16) | Permissions of module for create records (ALL, INHERITED, RELATED, OWN, GROUP, NONE). | |
@Export | varchar (16) | Permissions of module for export records (ALL, INHERITED, RELATED, OWN, GROUP, NONE). | |
@RowsRestriction | int | Rows restriction of records in eWay-CRM controls. | |
@IsSystem | int | True to disallow users modify the permission (true by default). |
Sets cloud database changes.
Shows or hides GDPR related fields.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FunctionalityEnabled | bit | The value indicating whether will be summarization enabled. | |
@PreviousFunctionalityEnabled | bit | The value indicating whether summarization was enabled. |
Sets permissions on people expenses summarization related fields.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@SumarizationEnabled | bit | The value indicating whether will be summarization enabled. | |
@PreviousSumarizationEnabled | bit | The value indicating whether summarization was enabled. |
Sets permissions on price fields.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | The folder name. | |
@SumarizationEnabled | bit | The value indicating whether will be summarization enabled. | |
@PreviousSumarizationEnabled | bit | The value indicating whether summarization was enabled. |
Adjusts column permissions related to the EnableLlamaAiFeatures GS. Disabled GS assigns NONE cp to the column.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@IsLlamaAiEnabled | bit | Current (new) value of GS EnableLlamaAiFeatures. | |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (256) | The affected column name. |
Sets the default currency global settings value into the CurrencyEn columns which are empty (NULL).
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FolderName | nvarchar (256) | The item folder name. | |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | The item unique identifier. |
Set additional field value (enumeration).
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ItemGUID | uniqueidentifier | Guid of item with additional field to set. | |
@FolderName | varchar (50) | Folder name of item with additional field to set. | |
@FieldName | varchar (256) | Name of additional field to set. | |
@EnumValue | varchar (256) | FileAs of EnumValue (string). | |
@WriteItemChanges | bit | Should be changes written in ItemChanges. |
Insert or update enum value.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EnumTypeName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the enumeration in which the value will be created. | |
@EnumValueFileAs | nvarchar (256) | Enum value name (FileAs). | |
@en | nvarchar (256) | English translation. | |
@cs | nvarchar (256) | Czech translation. | |
@de | nvarchar (256) | German translation. | |
@ru | nvarchar (256) | Russian translation. | |
@sk | nvarchar (256) | Slovakian translation. | |
@no | nvarchar (256) | Norwegian translation. | |
@CheckDuplicity | bit | Check duplicity. |
Create new order of enum values according to specified EunmName, FileAs and newRank.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@EnumName | nvarchar (256) | EnumName for right EnumValues subset. | |
@FileAs | nvarchar (256) | FileAs of item in subset of EnumValues given by EnumName. | |
@NewRank | int | New Rank value for selected EunmValues item. | |
@UseItemChanges | bit | Insert changes into ItemChanges (true by default). | |
@UseControlSelect | bit | Select items from the enum at the end (false by default). |
Sets column permissions for group Everyone.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Name of the folder. | |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (255) | Name of the column. | |
@Type | tinyint | 0: None, 1: All, 2: Own, 3: Readonly, 4: Invisible. | |
@Mandatory | tinyint | Indicates whether a column is mandatory. | |
@CheckColumnExistence | bit | Checks whether the column exists in the specified table. | |
@IsMandatoryEditable | bit | Indicates whether user will be able to change mandatory settings of the column. | |
@IsTypeEditable | bit | Indicates whether user will be able to change permission type of the column. |
Sets database extended property.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Name | nvarchar (128) | Name of the property. | |
@Value | sql_variant | Value to set. |
Sets function description.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FunctionName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the function. | |
@Description | nvarchar (4000) | Description of the function. |
Sets function parameter description.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@FunctionName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the function. | |
@ParameterName | nvarchar (256) | Name of the parameter. | |
@Description | nvarchar (4000) | Description of the parameter. |
Sets GlobalSetting value.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@Name | nvarchar (256) | Name of the GlobalSetting. | |
@Value | nvarchar (max) | New value of the GlobalSetting. |
Sets column permissions for specified group.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@GroupName | nvarchar (255) | Name of the group. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Name of the folder. | |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (255) | Name of the column. | |
@Type | tinyint | 0: None, 1: All, 2: Own, 3: Readonly, 4: Invisible. | |
@Mandatory | tinyint | Indicates whether a column is mandatory. | |
@CheckColumnExistence | bit | Checks whether the column exists in the specified table. | |
@IsMandatoryEditable | bit | Indicates whether user will be able to change mandatory settings of the column. | |
@IsTypeEditable | bit | Indicates whether user will be able to change permission type of the column. |
Set module permissions for specified group.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@GroupGUID | uniqueidentifier | Identifier of the group. | |
@FolderName | nvarchar (50) | Folder name. | |
@View | varchar (16) | Permissions of module for view records (ALL, INHERITED, RELATED, OWN, GROUP, NONE). | |
@Edit | varchar (16) | Permissions of module for edit records (ALL, INHERITED, RELATED, OWN, GROUP, NONE). | |
@Delete | varchar (16) | Permissions of module for delete records (ALL, INHERITED, RELATED, OWN, GROUP, NONE). | |
@Create | varchar (16) | Permissions of module for create records (ALL, INHERITED, RELATED, OWN, GROUP, NONE). | |
@Export | varchar (16) | Permissions of module for export records (ALL, INHERITED, RELATED, OWN, GROUP, NONE). | |
@RowsRestriction | int | Rows restriction of records in eWay-CRM controls. | |
@IsSystem | bit | Value indicating whether will be permission system and therefore uneditable. |
Sets lead completed or lost dates.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@LeadGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the lead. | |
@WorkflowHistoryGUID | uniqueidentifier | GUID of the workflow history item. |
Update Completed / Lost dates on all leads.
Sets mandatory unique constraint.
Name | Type | Default | Comment |
@ColumnName | nvarchar (255) | Name of column for which should be constraint created or deleted. | |
@ObjectTypeID | tinyint | Id of object type where to be constraint created or deleted. | |
@PrevMandatoryType | tinyint | Mandatory type previously set. | |